Clean export to Modo
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Message 4978.6 deleted 3 Mar 2012 by ANDREWSIMPER

Message 4978.7 deleted 3 Mar 2012 by MICHAEL GIBSON

 From:  andrewsimper
Weld is on in all the examples. The think the reason things are going wrong is holes are made by non coplanar polygons. In this case there are 5 vertices on the fifth one is the pointed edge that is bridging the vertical fillet with the side of the knob.

Michael, I've searched through all the settings of Modo and can't find one that is going to fix this geometry problem. Can you please let me know, when tri + quads are selected as the export type do you generate any non co-planar quads? I suspect not, and this is why that export renders fine, but the n-gon doesn't.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4978.9 In reply to 4978.8 
Hi Andrew,

> Can you please let me know, when tri + quads are selected as the
> export type do you generate any non co-planar quads?

When you do tri + quads export, MoI can export non-planar quads - usually any quads created from a curved surface will be slightly non-planar.

But a non-planar quad can only be triangulated in one of 2 possible ways so there isn't really any way that the triangulation of a quad can be messed up.

Meanwhile an N-gon can be triangulated in many different ways, and unless it is done kind of carefully it can have glitches like some triangles leaking out of the boundary. I think that is what is happening to you in this particular case, Modo's N-gon triangulator is making a little triangle out of the 3 nearly colinear points along one side of your N-gons and that triangle may be oriented in the wrong direction.

MoI's triangulation is very careful to avoid making triangles that go in the wrong direction, so that's the reason why you don't see that particular problem when you do the triangulation inside of MoI.

Like I wrote above though, probably you will get better results from Modo's N-gon triangulator if you use a denser mesh - do you still have visible problems with the n-gons if you increase the overall mesh density, or do the problems essentially disappear when you use a denser mesh?

- Michael
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 From:  andrewsimper
4978.10 In reply to 4978.9 
Hi Michael,

Increasing the density of the n-gon doesn't help, and sometimes creates even more problems as shown in the attached images:

The only thing that works in modo reliably, as far as I can tell, is tri + quads. Any ideas how to get n-gons working? Is it possible to generate an all coplanar only n-gon geometry?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4978.11 In reply to 4978.10 
Hi andrew - it's only possible to generate planar n-gons on surfaces that are themselves planar.

Any kind of curved surface will have some amount of non-planarity to the n-gons that are generated from it. That's just what happens when vertices are placed at intervals along a curved surface.

It kind of looks like you've got a couple of separate problems there - your first screenshot there has the slight dark edge - that looks like it could be an n-gon triangulation problem.

I'm not really sure what the second problem that you are showing is though - that does not seem to be likely to be a triangulation problem but instead may be some kind of irregularity in your UV mapping or something along those lines.

I'm also not really sure why many other people typically use n-gons in Modo without running into problems. It looks like you are using some kind of heavy bump map or displacement map? How are you applying the UV mapping for that?

What about a totally plain non-textured render, do you see any artifacts at all on that style of rendering or not?

If the particular mapping/rendering technique that you want to use does not work well in Modo with N-gons then I guess that your best bet would be to use Quads & Triangles instead, if that solves the problem for you.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
4978.12 In reply to 4978.11 
Hi andrew,

There is really something fishy with modo here, I was able to get rid of some of the glitches by lowering the angle to 3, and using 'avoid smaller than' 0.1 to reduce the polycount ... but it reveals other reflection problem on the knob.

This only append once the reflection is activated, the shading (with specular) is looking right. If I triple the object inside modo, everything is rendering fine.

I've never seen something like that until now, but it's really weird.

I'm opening a bug report on luxo beta board right now, and I'll keep you inform.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  andrewsimper
I am doing the same UV mapping as stated in my first post, a cylindrical mapping around the knob in the direction of the lines shown. This is a one click operation in Modo using the "UV Projection Tool" and gives perfect results for tri + quad meshes from MOI, including the bump map for the brushed aluminium stock modo material, which I manually change the size of to 50 um bump depth - the whole knob is 14 mm in diameter. I've attached a closeup of the UV map of the area in question:

I was told that everyone was using n-gon export to Modo without issues, so I thought I would give them another and document it all in this thread for everyone to comment on. N-gon output still don't work properly with Modo for me no matter what I do. Even with a basic reflective surface only and no bump maps I still get incorrect lines rendering where non coplanar n-gons don't line up very well. If there are any other MOI + Modo users reading this thread can you please download the .3dm of the knob and give it a go with a basic reflective surface and zoom in on the same vertical fillet and let me know how you go? I always end up getting stuff like:

Michael, is it possible to split up non co-planar > 4-gons into a bunch of 4-gons? This may help for programs like Modo that can't seem to handle non co-planar > 4-gons very well. Any planar > 4-gons could remain to keep the poly count down for easier selection and UV mapping without going to the full mess that is tri + quads.

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 From:  PaQ
4978.14 In reply to 4978.12 
Mmm I'm looking a little more closely to the MoI tesselation, and I'm not really sure now if MoI is not doing something weird too on this particular model.
I have a 'deja-vu' feeling here, but I dont remember if it's 'normal' or not.

Here's a closup of the knob in MoI,

It's really strange that ngones and quad output dont give the same shading result in MoI either.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
Hi Andrew,

There is definitively something wrong with the .lwo, and the way modo internally trianglulate ngones.
I think this is something that can be resolved, but from the luxology side.

For this knob example, you can try to export it in .obj, using ngones.
You will probably get some inverted normal in modo, just double hit the 'F' key to fix it ... but at least will not have this ngones shading problem, as the inernal triangulation will be fine.

At least I have concrete example now I can show in the modo bug report.
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 From:  andrewsimper
PaQ, thanks for letting me know you are having similar problems with rendering in Modo. We overlapped posts, thanks for already taking the initiative to go ahead and download the file and try it out with a reflective surface - really appreciated! Sounds like I need to join up the Modo bug reporting thingy too, and also report the issue with bump maps not working as expected with these n-gon type topologies as well.
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 From:  andrewsimper
I get identical results using either .lwo or .obj for export. Here is the same thing with a .obj file:


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 From:  PaQ
4978.18 In reply to 4978.16 
Hi Andrew,

Well you are welcome, I'm quite concern but the problem too ... and I'm wondering how do I miss that since 2 years or so :P

The bump is probably a side effect of this triangulation problem, not sure.
But a wrong (or not optimal) ngone tesselation produce UV stretching too ...

I've tried to isolate the problem as much as I can, like Michael teach me :)

So a question for Michael, because there is something I dont really understand :

In the .lwo created by MoI, is this internal triangulation of ngone write somewhere ? Why is this information lost, or no well translated from one software to an other ?

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
4978.19 In reply to 4978.17 
Well actually I have better result here, (using 601, using obj)

But ... it's not perfect everywhere, there are still some area when ngone create micro triangle that break the shading.

... better wait Michael now to have more advanced advice.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  PaQ
4978.20 In reply to 4978.19 
Between modo creating funky ngones, and MoI introducing strange glitches when using triangle export format, I never saw so many
problem for a so simple object :P

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
I get a perfect render from Modo 501 with this 3dm file. Export was ngons, 6 degree angle.

I also get a perfect render from 601 after changing the LWO option to Lightwave 10 to avoid the vertex nornmal issue.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4978.22 In reply to 4978.18 
Hi PaQ,

> So a question for Michael, because there is something I dont
> really understand :
> In the .lwo created by MoI, is this internal triangulation of ngone write
> somewhere ? Why is this information lost, or no well translated from one
> software to an other ?

Usually formats that support n-gons only store the n-gon itself and don't have any way to additionally store a triangulation of the n-gon at the same time.

It's up to the receiving application to do the triangulation, and it's not a particularly easy task, there are quite a few ways that it can go wrong.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4978.23 In reply to 4978.13 
Hi andrew,

> Michael, is it possible to split up non co-planar > 4-gons into
> a bunch of 4-gons?

There's really no straightforward way to do this by only connecting together points of the n-gon.

In order to "quadify" things it tends to require more vertices to be created, and then that's the whole problem of trying to automatically arrange vertices for quads where different pieces are colliding into one another - a difficult problem to solve.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4978.24 In reply to 4978.14 
Hi PaQ,

> It's really strange that ngones and quad output dont give the same
> shading result in MoI either.

They generate a different result if the "Centroid Triangulation" style is on (which it is by default). That's settable under moi.ini under [Mesh Export]:

[Mesh Export]

When that's set, then for "Quads & Triangles" output, when possible an additional point is added to the centroid of the n-gon and triangles are formed by connecting to that, making a kind of radial triangulation.

When you are doing "Output: N-gons", the display mesh that MoI generates for the n-gons does not do that centroid style triangulation.

So you'll only get an exactly matching display in MoI if centroid triangulation is turned off.

- Michael
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Message 4978.25 deleted 6 Mar 2012 by ANDREWSIMPER

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