Hi Andrew,
> Can you please let me know, when tri + quads are selected as the
> export type do you generate any non co-planar quads?
When you do tri + quads export, MoI can export non-planar quads - usually any quads created from a curved surface will be slightly non-planar.
But a non-planar quad can only be triangulated in one of 2 possible ways so there isn't really any way that the triangulation of a quad can be messed up.
Meanwhile an N-gon can be triangulated in many different ways, and unless it is done kind of carefully it can have glitches like some triangles leaking out of the boundary. I think that is what is happening to you in this particular case, Modo's N-gon triangulator is making a little triangle out of the 3 nearly colinear points along one side of your N-gons and that triangle may be oriented in the wrong direction.
MoI's triangulation is very careful to avoid making triangles that go in the wrong direction, so that's the reason why you don't see that particular problem when you do the triangulation inside of MoI.
Like I wrote above though, probably you will get better results from Modo's N-gon triangulator if you use a denser mesh - do you still have visible problems with the n-gons if you increase the overall mesh density, or do the problems essentially disappear when you use a denser mesh?
- Michael