reworking curve adds unwanted points

 From:  macray

when I have a curve and add a radius the first time the curve is fine.

the 2nd time I add a curve at another location along the curve (no matter how many) there are points added between all other bends so all the straights are suddenly split in half, adding points and thereby increasing file size.

attached a picture showing the situation.
- the polyline in the front has a radius
- the polyline in the background is a copy of the other and I rounded the corner on the left

=> suddenly 2 more points are added that I don't need. Why is that?

What you see is what you believe - so don't. (from an Amiga500 demo)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4958.2 In reply to 4958.1 
Hi macray,

> => suddenly 2 more points are added that I don't need. Why is that?

It's because the curve filleting code internally fuses together G1 pieces into a single bspline, which involves degree elevating the different segments to all have the same degree as the existing arc which is degree 2.

I've added that to my todo list to rework how the corner fillet processes stuff to avoid doing that, thanks for reporting it.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
To get the extra points upon fillet of the second corner, I had to join the corner lines, and at least the existing arc.
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