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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.76 In reply to 490.75 
Some great details in there Colin, it must be fun to have such a variety of projects - you've done so many different things on a ring, from motorcycles to kangaroos!

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Thought I'd post a job that I've been working on recently.

Many years ago I managed to get my hands on a huge acorn sized South Seas Pearl from Broome in Western Australia.
It's been sitting there along with various other Stones that I'd collected, just waiting for me to design something with it.
The Wife spotted it the other week & then decided that I should design something using it for her upcoming Birthday.

The idea was to design something that could be worn as either a pendant on a chain or as a Pearl Enhancer.
So using the basics from a set of Ear-rings that I'd hand made previously for her, I created this "Arch Windows" Pearl Cap to match them.
All that left was to design the Enhancer catch, this part was reasonably simple & straight forward to do.

The whole job has been modelled within MoI, then transferred into Rhino for rendering with V-Ray.
Rendered it as two units to show how the various details looked at the different angles.

Now I've just got to convert it from "virtual" to "real world" in time for the Birthday next week!!

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.78 In reply to 490.77 
Hi Colin, looks great! And very interesting with acorn sized pearls, wow.

I think your wife is going to have a nice birthday!

- Michael
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 From:  dave (DAVID-PARRY)
490.79 In reply to 490.78 
Hi ya Colin its nice to see your talented works here.
did you get a finished photo of the pearl set...I would love to see it all set.
David Parry
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