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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Here's a ring design I've been doing for a customer to celebrate 40yrs of riding.
There's to be 3 of these rings made, each will then have the riders name engraved along the bottom of the band.
The design will be milled in wax & then cast in StgSil.

Used MoI for all of it except the actual deforming of the Brake & Clutch Levers to fit snug to the ring shape.
For doing that part I needed to use Cage Edit in Rhino4...looking forward to when MoI also has this feature.
I've only just started to learn about rendering, so here's some of my first tests using VRay.

Just uploaded these same pics to the Gallery

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.58 In reply to 490.57 
Hi Colin, that's a very cool design, I'm sure that your customer will be very pleased.

It must be fun creating these kinds of personalized projects for people, since it will have sentimental value to them.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Nice conceptual motor bike ring!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
490.60 In reply to 490.57 
Nice one Colin!
I know a few bikers that would love one of these.

Keep 'em coming.


EDITED: 27 Jul 2009 by DANTAS

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 From:  -ash-
490.61 In reply to 490.60 
Great stuff. Keep practicing the rendering. Having great product renders of your designs will be great


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Having seen other Members here doing various Sci Fi stuff, I thought I'd have a go at it also...
I remembered watching Gerry Anderson's UFO series as a kid & figured it might be a good starting point.
Did a quick search on the web & managed to find some Blueprints for the UFO model from the show.

Here's the relevant links for others that might be also be interested.

Here's a link to a model kit that was for sale, this also helped as a reference.

Here's hoping I've done it justice.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.63 In reply to 490.62 
UFO blueprints? Cool! :)

It turned out great.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
490.65 In reply to 490.62 
Very cool Colin!
just one question, the rippling on the bottom of the ship, is it from the surface created or refraction from the transparent material you used.

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 From:  Colin
490.66 In reply to 490.65 
Thanks for the compliments.

@ Danny, yes, it's the refraction from the glass material I used for the rendering.
Here's another render that shows the same effect...must be something to do with the angle?

regards Colin


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 From:  WillBellJr
Now all we need is a coupla hott models of some cutie chix with purple hair and you'd be straight! :-P

Nice model!

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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Here's a design & milling job I had to do for another Jeweller.
Their customer had picked out a nice Emerald cut Ametrine (Amethyst & Citrine in one crystal formation).
The Jeweller figured I could design & mill it quicker than he could hand make it in time for I did!!

All designed in MoI & milled on my MDX-15 & Fourth Axis rotary unit.
Now these pieces are off to the Jeweller to be cast, cleaned up, assembled & set, so this is the last I'll see of it.
You gotta love CAD/CAM for a quick turn around time!!

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.69 In reply to 490.68 
Very cool Colin, I'm glad that you're able to crunch these jobs out quickly!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Precious setting ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
490.71 In reply to 490.68 
Nice interesting work as usual Colin, thanks for sharing the experience.

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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
490.72 In reply to 490.68 
Nice work man!!
I'm also interested in purchasing that milling machine (MDX-15).
How much does it cost?
Are you satisfied with it? How much do the materials cost?
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 From:  Colin
490.73 In reply to 490.72 
Thanks everyone for the nice comments, it's much appreciated.

@ nicko, here's a link back to where this was previously discussed earlier within the post.

regards Colin
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 From:  Jesse
490.74 In reply to 490.68 
Hi Colin,

Nice to be able to knock out a design on short notice! :-) The models and waxes look great.

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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Had a request from another Jeweller if I could make a Signet ring with the RAR (Royal Australian Regiment) Insignia.
Figured I'd at least give it a try & so managed to do it all in MoI.
The only "outside item" was the textured surface for the background of the Insignia, it was done in Zsurf4 as an IGES file.

A Copy & Paste of the MoI model into Rhino for rendering with V-Ray & now just waiting for an OK from the Jeweller's customer.

Model has been designed to be hollowed under the top half of the ring, so will mill it as several pieces to allow access to all areas.
Once all the pieces are milled in wax, I can then rejoin everything so as it can be cast as one complete item without joins.

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.76 In reply to 490.75 
Some great details in there Colin, it must be fun to have such a variety of projects - you've done so many different things on a ring, from motorcycles to kangaroos!

- Michael
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