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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Added to the special thread Gallery :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

In an effort to try & teach myself more on "how to do modelling" with MoI, I made this 1-1 scale Tattoo Machine.
(For what it's worth, within the Tattoo Trade these are called "Machines" & not "guns" as most usually refer)
Mostly all of this was to get a better grasp & understanding of how to use all the different tools in MoI.

The reason I chose a Tattoo Machine is that I used to be a Professional Tattoo Artist for about 20yrs after I first did my apprenticeship as a Jeweller.
Having hand made many of these Machines over those years, I thought it'd be a reasonably good challenge to do one of them in CAD.
Besides that, I've never seen one done as a model before, so figured that also was a good enough reason to try!! : )

One thing I couldn't quite get my head around was making screw threads using the Helix tool.
So of course none of my bolts have any screw threads on them! : (
If someone would like to offer up a basic Tutorial on how to go about producing a threaded bolt, I'd be very grateful.

regards Colin

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 From:  Ed
490.34 In reply to 490.33 
It would be nice to have a section of the forum to share basic, common objects such as machine screws, hex screws, tires & rims, diamonds, etc.

Why re-invent the wheel when you can steal the plans :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.35 In reply to 490.34 
Hi Ed, that's a great idea - some kind of model repository. A little bit after V1 has been released and things have died down I am going to be tuning up the web site and forum some more, and I want to put a kind of gallery in for images, and some kind of model repository would be a good idea to do then as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.36 In reply to 490.33 
Hi Colin, nice job on the Tattoo machine, it looks like you are getting increasingly more comfortable building things in MoI!

re: Screw threads - in one sense you may be better off without these since little tiny details like this can tend to add a significant amount of weight and data size to your model. For example, I wouldn't be surprised if your model becomes something like 4 times as big in data size when you try to add these little details in.

But anyway, here is a basic approach if you want to give it a try.

To start with, get your helix and a triangle arranged like this:

Select the triangle and run Construct / Sweep, and pick the helix as the path curve. The helix should be positioned so that it is going up vertically along the world Z axis. Then inside of the Sweep options, you need to set the Twist: option to Twist: Flat - this will prevent the triangle from twisting around as it travels along the helix path. That will give you this shape:

This can now be boolean unioned on to your main bolt shape:

It is probably best if you make the triangle kind of punch through the bolt a little bit instead of trying to make it skim directly along the surface of the bolt. Like in this case, position the triangle a little bit to the left of the bolt body (inside of it). Otherwise if you try to make it skim right along the surface it is too easy for it to just barely skip a tiny amount away from the bolt which makes things more difficult to process for the booleans.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Colin
490.37 In reply to 490.36 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the kind words & Yes, I'm finding that everything is now starting to come together for me in MoI.
I've also found that it's much easier to concentrate on the creative element when in MoI, much more so than in Rhino.
Your whole principle for designing MoI has proven itself to be correct, so I'm very much looking forward to purchasing V1.

I know what you mean about the file size increasing with extra detail, that Tattoo Machine file is already at about 8.3MB.

Thanks for that screw thread info.
Strangely enough I originally tried it just as you've described, but couldn't get the two parts to Boolean Union?
Maybe I didn't have enough of the Profile shape overhanging into the centre Extruded core??
I'll try it again & see how I go.

regards Colin
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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Here's a project I've been working on, it's an Aussie Digger's Slouch Hat ring.
Apparently the customer's father was a Digger & he wanted something to remember him by.
The idea was that the Hat had to be able to open, so it could contain a lock of his father's hair.
The basic idea was to use a rubber O ring as a seal for the Hat to the ring base.

My intention was to mill each pierce in wax, with the Hat to be in several separate sections.
Hence that's why there's a large gap between the folded rim & the Hat centre.
I intended that those Hat sections would then be joined together in wax, prior to the casting.

Unfortunately the project has now stalled, but thought you might like to see what I'd managed to do with MoI.
It's been an interesting & challenging design which has taught me quite a bit about the different tools.

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.39 In reply to 490.38 
Hey Colin, that is a very unique and interesting piece of jewelry!

It's too bad that the project has stalled, that would have been a really cool one to see in metal.

It looks like your comfort level with MoI continues to increase!

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.40 In reply to 490.39 
Great Colin. Will have to think hard about some of the ways you must have done that!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
added to the Special thread Gallery :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  keith1961 (KEITH)
Hi all
There seem to be quite a few people new to CAD using Moi, and I’m one of them. I have tried using Carrara and this week received Hexagon from Daz3d which they sold for $3. To a beginner like me these modelling packages are extremely difficult to get started with and I much prefer MoI.

Yesterday I was browsing the Hexagan discussion threads at Daz when I cam across someone lamenting the difficulty of learning to use that modeller. I posted a link to MoI telling them how easy it was to use and they replied saying that they weren’t going to look at it and had decided to persevere with Hexagon.

I have also noticed that when posting to the Daz galleries you can choose from a list of software that you might have used to create your masterpiece. I have twice informed them that MoI doesn’t appear in this list but it still isn’t included, or wasn’t on the 15th Janaury.

Is MoI going to be reviewed or publicised anywhere and is there anything helpful that can be done by us the users to promote it?
One obvious possibility is to post a link to the MoI site whenever referencing it. I must remember to do this on Renderosity.

I hope I’m not coming over as a hypocrite as I’m still using the December beta and it would probably help Michael quite a lot if I bought a copy. Nevertheless I do intend to cough up some cash when I can afford it and in the meantime will mention MoI’s merits where ever I get the opportunity.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
490.43 In reply to 490.42 
Hi Keith, thanks very much for your interest in MoI!

> Is MoI going to be reviewed or publicised anywhere

Yes, there will be a magazine review coming out shortly, I'm not sure if it is next month or the month after. I will definitely announce more details when I know more.

Things are still early in the lifetime of MoI, it will take some time before it gets to be more well known.

> and is there anything helpful that can be done by us the users to promote it?

Just telling your friends about it is a very big help!


- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.44 In reply to 490.38 
Colin. Working out your methods for making the Slouch Hat was a great exercise. (Well I worked out methods that had the same result anyway.)
The hat crown worries me a bit though--and I can not work out how you did it either.
Here is an alternative idea (still not quite correct) with the 3dm file if of value to you.

EDITED: 22 Nov 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.45 In reply to 490.44 
Col. Heres a Rising Sun Badge for the Slouch Hat if of any use to you.(The pdf Trace will open in MoI to work on)

EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Colin
490.46 In reply to 490.45 
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the compliments on the model.

Michael, yes, I feel I'm just starting to get a better understanding of how to use the Tool sets.
Still a long way to go, but I'm much more confident with each model I do.

Brian, from memory I did the very top of the hat using Network curves.
I then switched on the curves Points & then tweaked them to give a more "organic" look.
I do know that it took me quite a few goes at making different shaped curves to get close to what I wanted.
Thanks for the Rising Sun, not really sure if I'll need it now, but handy just the same.

regards Colin
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.47 In reply to 490.46 
I had some great learning exercises from studying that ring. I puzzled for ages over the hat band layers and, when my mind worked, I laughed at the simplicity of doing it.
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 From:  Colin
490.48 In reply to 490.47 
Hi Brian,

The hat band was just a Profile I made with the "creases" in it.
I then did a Sweep, with one of the rails being a deformed curve to get that higher & lower effect.
Again, it was one of those things that took a while, just trying different curves & adjusting the various Points where needed.

Bear in mind that most of the hat's pieces haven't been Boolean together.
That's because I was designing it for machining, not for any rendering.
Mind you I have no experience with Rendering, so I'm not even sure if this model would be suitable for it or not?
Rendering is something I'd like to learn & understand, but at this point I'm concentrating on the modeling side of things first.
I'm figuring there's no point in knowing how to do a Render if you can't produce the model first?
Not sure if that's the right way to look at it or not, but figure I'm better to learn to crawl before I try running!

regards Colin
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.49 In reply to 490.48 
In a sense, I come more from the rendering side than the making. (Carrara)
Anyway I did the hat band a different way!
I made another curve for the hatband about the level of the top of the lower piece. And, with the points , put a dip in the front edge. The two curves then lofted. Then I made a copy paste and reduced its size to .99 and raised it up a bit, doing similar for each of the layers.
The end result being that, when brought into Carrara for rendering, each of those different layers could have a slight variation in shade perhaps. Even put sweat stain effects differently for the layers as well.(I hope that makes sense!)
All good fun!
(Actually I did not save my results--just experimented to prove working principles)
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
490.50 In reply to 490.49 
Here is an exagerated example to show the idea.

EDITED: 22 Nov 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Thought some of you might be interested in knowing about this:

I've recently been using MoI to create the all the prototypes, tests & the finished Template files available from here.

As most Jeweller's are already using Rhino to create their designs, so it was easy for me to Copy & Paste all the parts & curves that I'd created in MoI straight over into Rhino. :)
Then it was just a case of setting up Rhino's Layers to hold the relevant items. (looking forward to when MoI has it's own Layer system!)

regards Colin
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