Playing with MoI again...

 From:  Phr0stByte
It has been a while sense I have taken MoI out and played, but now that it is running on Linux and Mac, it is making things much easier for me, as I am seldom on a Windows machine - Way to go, Michael! Now I can take it out an pretty much doodle away. Here is something on my desk I was gazing at today attached to my keyring.

Modeled in MoI, of course, and then imported into Blender for texturing and rendering with cycles.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Nice to see you're back and re-inspired, Phr0stByte!
Keep at it.

Nice job on the render, looks pretty real.
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 From:  Rich_Art
4899.3 In reply to 4899.1 
Yeah very nice model..

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Mip (VINC)
Nice render Phr0stByte !

Since you used Cycles to render, I presume that you couldn't use Anthony d'Agostino's earlier patch to import/render.
May I ask if you had to do any adjustments to cirumvent the "old Blender vertex normals" problem (sounds like a curse) ?

I am also wondering if it could be appropriate to hope that the bmesh integration to Blender, since it will handle n'gons, will get an OBJ importer that could consider vertex normals ? (well, maybe completely irrelevant)
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 From:  Phr0stByte
4899.5 In reply to 4899.4 
@Mip: No, I did not use any special importer script. I simply export as OBJ. I usually leave the default settings except for:
uncheck "Weld vertices"
I DO play with "Divide larger than:" and "Avoid smaller than:" to get the resolution that I want.
In Blender, use the set smooth option for objects to avoid seeing faceting in your render.

EDITED: 7 Feb 2012 by PHR0STBYTE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4899.6 In reply to 4899.1 
Hi Phr0stByte, that turned out great! I'm glad that MoI's new multi-OS support is helpful for you.

- Michael
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 From:  twofoot
That's a Blender render?! Wow!

Can you please share with the class how you got such a realistic look. I've been trying to convince my new employer to use Blender instead of spending the big $$$ on Maya, and this is a perfect argument.



PS-can you recommend any good learning resources for Blender? I find the interface a bit... difficult. LOL
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
I find the new Blender interface fine. My problem is that it discards vertex normals when you import an OBJ file. Which makes it useless to me for rendering MoI models. No solution is in sight for this.
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