Hi Felix, I was able to finish cooking up the multi step offset method!
To install it, download the attached .zip file, then unzip it and there are 2 files - both of these files need to be copied into the \commands sub-folder inside of MoI's main installation folder.
That will then make a new command available to MoI called OffsetMultiStep . To trigger the command set up a new shortcut key and put in OffsetMultiStep as the command name.
To use it, select the curves you want to offset, then trigger the command using whatever shortcut key you set up, then you need to pick a point to which side you want to offset and then you can adjust options for the distance that will be used between each step and the number of steps:
Note that if you offset something that has tight bends in it by a distance larger than the bends, the offset will be trying to cross over itself, and it will try to figure out which portion to keep if Trim is enabled. There can be multiple pieces involved when that happens and it tries to keep the piece that is generally in the vicinity of the point that was picked for the offset side, so the placement of the "which side" point can be significant for that kind of situation. If you want to get all pieces you will need to turn the Trim option off and just get the raw results and then clean those up.
Hope this helps!
- Michael