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 From:  Michael Gibson
4894.22 In reply to 4894.20 
I guess the part I don't understand is - if you know that the Deform tool is making a messed up object for those spheres, why is it that you're trying to export that messed up object and expecting for the exporter to produce a good result from it?

There's a saying: "Garbage in, Garbage out" - if the exporter is given some kind of mangled object to export, it doesn't understand how to unmangle it, the solution has to come in the process that generated the messed up object to begin with.

Given a messed up object different programs will behave in all sorts of different manners - some may try to repair it (like SpaceClaim seemed to), others may give up or in the process of giving up may instead try to just salvage what they can make sense of which could result in a bunch of separate surfaces.

In the future I would like to add some tools to analyze objects for different ways that they might be mangled. I'm not sure when that will happen, it's a lot of work to plan a good UI for that. In the shorter term I do expect to work on fixing up the deform tools so that they won't construct a mangled object for deforming spheres.

- Michael
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 From:  val2

I'm saying regardless of the spheres the the exported STP fails. I've attached my own demo. there is a cube with it. there are no sphere shapes what so ever. If you try to combine the two in free cad the operation fails.
If you open it up in Rhino it still has problems with the letters
if you open it up in 123D the deform model doesn't show up.

I don't have Solidworks so I can't test it out in that.

I know it has to do with the deformer. That is obvious.

I wasn't saying it was a series of surfaces what I was trying to say was I would like it if Moi expressed some kind of clue that the function had failed just like it does now when you do a bad Boolean operation it turns the solid into a series of joined surfaces. You can find the problem within moi when you do a bad Boolean operation or do a poor joined surface. That was all that I was saying. No more no less. Just a suggestion.


EDITED: 14 Jul 2021 by VAL2

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4894.24 In reply to 4894.23 
Hi Val,

> If you try to combine the two in free cad the operation fails.

So it seems to load it ok though in Freecad? Isn't Freecad in some kind of early Alpha release right now?

Why is it that you don't consider a boolean failure in Freecad to be a bug in Freecad?

It could certainly be possible that there is something about the deformed geometry that it does not like to handle very well, like some kind of lesser degree of accuracy between how UV curves and 3D curves relate to one another. It may be possible to do some tuneups in the deformers to help with this.

> If you open it up in Rhino it still has problems with the letters
> if you open it up in 123D the deform model doesn't show up.

For 123D I'd recommend trying SAT format instead, that may work better.

I tested importing your STEP file into Alibre and it seems to go ok into there.

ViaCAD seems to get stuck, I didn't wait for it to finish maybe it would after a while.

I also tried with CoCreate and it also seemed to go in ok there too.

It also works fine reading your file back into MoI as well.

Unfortunately it's not a particularly unusual thing for different kinds of CAD programs to have different sorts of peculiarities or problems with imported data. For some programs you may get a better result with a different file format.

> I would like it if Moi expressed some kind of clue that the function
> had failed just like it does now when you do a bad Boolean operation
> it turns the solid into a series of joined surfaces.

I don't see how just blowing up the deformed result into a bunch of separate surfaces would really give you a good clue as to what went wrong. Most likely it would just lead to the question "why is my result a bunch of separate surfaces, I did not expect that", without really conveying any particular information.

It's pretty tricky to do a good quality UI for actually making that kind of communication happen.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4894.25 In reply to 4894.23 
For your Autodesk product, use the ACIS kernel....

I have several other packages that read in the "Solid" also, though I can analyze it down to having some issues...

Val, I think your answer is there will be some tools LATER, to analyze geometry differently, so you can see how things will react further down the road.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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