New Mac OSX public beta Jan-31-2012 available now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.99 In reply to 4879.98 
Hi Chyman, thanks for testing it!

> It runs quite well even on my old MacBook with the
> problematic GMA X3100 graphics chip.

That's great news! But yes this card just does not fundamentally have the same amount of GPU horsepower as nVidia or ATI cards, so you may only be able to get to a medium level of complexity with it. But you should actually be able to get quite a lot of projects done with it, especially if you only deal with different parts of the project at a time instead of everything all in one single big model.

Also if things start to bog down on a more detailed model, try adjusting the "Mesh angle" settings under Options > View as described here:

Setting the "Mesh angle" to a rougher angle like 25 degrees and unchecking "Add detail to inflections" will make for a somewhat rougher looking display but also lighten up the density of the display meshes and that can help boost display performance by quite a bit.

> Apart from the already mentioned slow resizing

Yeah this is one of the last areas that I have remaining to work on before releasing a new beta.

> and incomplete filling on initial application's opening (see screenshot)

This one I hope will be solved by some updates and bug fixes to the Wineskin system that will also be included in the next beta, but I'm not entirely sure. Please let me know if you see it again with the next beta when it is out.

> I only found one additional thing: the icons for the new deform
> tools don't show up.

Yup, that's normal for the time being - those tools are new for v3 and still need a bit of attention to be finished up. Finishing that area will probably be the last step before rolling out a final 2.5 OSX version, it won't be quite finished still for the next beta.

But I'm glad that MoI OSX is able to run on those Intel graphics cards now, I wasn't sure at first if that was going to be possible. But also someone else has tested it on the oldest GMA 950 and it works there too now, so MoI OSX should work on all Intel Macs I think, including the very first ones.

- Michael
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 From:  Chyman
4879.100 In reply to 4879.99 
Thank you for your comments and the "Mesh angle" hint (that is a good performance parameter).
Indeed your OSX support turned out quite complete after all, well done!

Hope I can come up with some nice output soon...
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 From:  statfi (FREDS)
I have "MoI v3.2" in my Applications folder. When I run MOI I get
"ERROR! cannot write to info.plist, there are permission problems, or you are on a read-only volume.
This cannot run from within a read-only dmg file."
What do I need to do?
Is there a search function for this forum?
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 From:  statfi (FREDS)
4879.102 In reply to 4879.101 
I have found the search feature.
I have found previous posts that describe my exact error message. However, they suggest a fix I have already done. So, I still need help. Is there a trial of version 4?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.103 In reply to 4879.101 
Hi statfi,

> "ERROR! cannot write to info.plist, there are permission problems, or you are on a read-only volume.

This is due to a new security mechanism in recent Mac OS versions that forces app bundles to be read only if they have the "quarantine" flag set on them which they will if they have been downloaded. This interferes with MoI v3's operation, resulting in this particular error message. Usually this happens if you try to run it directly from the Downloads folder and goes away if you move the app over into the /Applications folder. But it's a fairly brittle mechanism, the operating system will only clear the flag if you move it using drag/drop in Finder, not if you move it by some other means like by command line. Is it possible that applies to how you moved it?

The security mechanism is called Gatekeeper path randomization and there is some more information on it here:

Another way you can probably solve it is by manually removing the quarantine extended attribute from the app, like this:

This won't happen anymore in v4, the Mac version for MoI v4 has been significantly rewritten and restructured so it no longer needs to modify the app bundle's info.plist file and isn't troubled by being read only. Currently v4 is in beta release available to existing v3 users. There won't be a trial version of it until it's finished and the final release is available. I'm not exactly sure when that will be yet, maybe something like Fall this year.

- Michael
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