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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.54 In reply to 4879.53 
Hi Steve,

> I'll try and repeat the problem, so far , all I can say is it
> starts to happen when I've been using MOI for over 1hr,
> when I work, I do a lot of Undo's and I'll take an object
> I'm working on make a few copies and try different things
> on, so my files can grow quite large to I delete all temp
> objects.

So unfortunately these are not really well defined concrete steps that I can repeat myself over here - over here I also use MoI for over 1 hour at a time and don't run into that. So I don't know if it's possibly related to some kind of difficult geometry situation (like booleaning objects that are barely grazing each other at a shared edge or doing booleans between surfaces that have self-intersections like they fold back over top of themselves or things like that) which I tend to avoid but which you're doing somewhat frequently or something like that.

I appreciate the bug report, but right now there isn't much for me to go on to attempt to do anything about it. In order to fix a bug I need to narrow down where in the program code it's actually happening and it really helps for me to be able to repeat the problem over here so I can examine what is actually going on in the debugger.

If you run into it again, I guess try to save the file off so that I can take a look at it and see if I can repeat the problem with it, or maybe offer some suggestions about some particular type of situation that can cause model integrity problems and should be avoided.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.55 In reply to 4879.53 
Hi Steve,

> Some of the other things that start to happen, I might try
> to union 2 solids and , in stead of 1 single solid, it ends
> up removing 1 solid.

Just in general that kind of thing can happen if one of the objects is not actually a solid anymore and has ended up with an opening in it, or if the solid has become ill formed and does not have a uniform inside and outside region to it anymore - that can happen if pieces of your solid are made up of surfaces that intersect themselves, like they bunch up in some awkward way and push through some other portion of themselves. Or the equivalent thing can happen if the trimming boundary of a surface intersects itself, that kind of messed up trimming boundary will usually have some weird shaded display in that area as well.

So anyway I don't know if that helps but that's the type of stuff to look for when you run into that.

You can tell if your object has become an open surface by looking at the type indicator in the upper-right corner of the screen, if it says "Joined srf" or "surface" instead of solid then it means it has an opening in it somewhere.

- Michael
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 From:  dinos
4879.56 In reply to 4879.55 
Hi Michael.

Thanks for taking all this time to explain the technical reasons for your choices on the mac port.
Given all the reasons you mention in your post, it is quite clear to me that this is the right choice and the main reason that i can have Moi3D running on my mac :-)

It is very usable and fast as it is, and i will definitely purchase a license as soon as i can justify the investment.
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Is there possible to open two MoI windows at once?
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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4879.58 In reply to 4879.57 
Yes, in the menu bar choose MoI > New Window.
Note that it takes several seconds to open the second window.
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Didn't noticed, thanks!
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I don't know if someone had this problem before but I can't open a file from the MoI window, I have to double clic the file from the finder.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.61 In reply to 4879.60 
Hi ed - can you please describe in a bit more detail exactly what you mean by "open a file from the MoI window" - do you mean using the "Open" button on the File menu in the lower-left corner of the MoI window does not work to open a file for you?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
4879.62 In reply to 4879.60 
Hi Ed,

Don't know if this is related, but I cannot open MoI files when I am online with Mozilla Firefox. But this is on a Windows Vista PC, not a Mac OS.

Michael T
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.63 In reply to 4879.62 
Hi Michael T - hmm that's kind of odd that Firefox interferes with opening MoI files.

What happens when you go to the File > Open menu in MoI, does the file dialog just not come up, or does it come up but not let you pick a file, or does it let you pick a file but then not load it, or something else?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
4879.64 In reply to 4879.63 
Weird, seems to work fine today. I may have spoken too soon. Possibly my Vista OS or user error :-)

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I don't know if this is the problem but I can't open or save files to a folder that is inside a lot of subfolders, but I can open and save to the desktop.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.66 In reply to 4879.65 
Hi ed,

> I don't know if this is the problem but I can't open or
> save files to a folder that is inside a lot of subfolders,
> but I can open and save to the desktop.

Could you please post an example sub-folder path that does not work for you?

Maybe there is some bug with handling a path with certain kinds of characters in it.

I have tested over here with opening and saving files to and from nested sub-folders and I don't seem to have any problem with that, so it may be something about the particular path that you're using.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
It opens files on the "7mo. S" folder but it doesn't on the "Diseño 6"

/Users/edwinescobar/Documents/Works/U/7mo. S/Diseño 6
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.68 In reply to 4879.67 
Hi ed,

> It opens files on the "7mo. S" folder but it doesn't on the "Diseño 6"
> /Users/edwinescobar/Documents/Works/U/7mo. S/Diseño 6

I can't seem to repeat the problem over here... I tried making all the same folders under /Documents/Works/U/7mo. S/Diseño 6 but over here if I go to File > Open or File > Save As, I'm able to either open 3DM files or save 3DM files to that folder.

Are you doing something different than using the File menu? Also are you using one particular file format?

Could you maybe make a .zip file of your Diseño 6 directory so that I could unzip it here and make sure I have the exact same characters as yours does?

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Its just a regular .3dm file. I've changed the "ñ" of "Diseño" for an "n" and it worked. Something weird happened with the shortcuts when I used that letter Ñ. When I added a shortcut whit the letter Ñ from the MoI options panel, then closed MoI and then reopened it changed the shortcut to a minus sign if i my memory is ok. I added that same shortcut to the .ini file and then it worked on MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.70 In reply to 4879.69 
Hi ed - is it possible for you to make a .zip file with the Diseño directory that does not work so that I can unzip it to get the exact same directory name over here and try to repeat the problem?

Because it sounds like there is some bug in there and I'd like to fix it but it's hard to fix it if I can't repeat the problem.

> Something weird happened with the shortcuts when I used that letter Ñ.

Is this related to your file saving problem or is it a totally separate problem?

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Make a zip of all the directory?? that can be huge.

I just made a folder on my desktop called "Diseño 6" and I can't open files inside of that folder from the MoI Open window.

Im on OSX Lion with english as my main language.

The shortcut problem has no more relation than the Ñ character on both problems.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.72 In reply to 4879.71 
Hi ed - just a zip of the empty directory of that name would work, just so I can be sure I'm getting the exact same name over here. I tried to test by pasting in the same name from copied text in the forum but I can't repeat the problem that way so maybe I'm not getting quite the exact same characters in it or something like that.

So maybe if you could put some simple model of a box or something into the directory that you can't open and then zip that up (zip the whole directory up) and post it here that may help me to replicate the problem.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Here it is

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