for Modo fan ;)

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does this better than the Mesher of Moi ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4873.2 In reply to 4873.1 
Hi Pilou - can't really say whether it's better or not just from looking at a video like that, I'd need to see some actual geometry examples.

But it's definitely interesting that it can generate n-gons, up until now MoI has been the only program that I know of that was able to do that.

Do you know if there are any sample output models available?

- Michael
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 From:  bisenberger
Wow! super cool.
That looks like a plugin by Luxology, although I can't find more about it from the link on the YouTube page:
To learn more or to purchase the CAD Loaders, please visit

More info from the Luxlology modcast on this thread:


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 From:  bisenberger
Apparently that is a leaked video link, the original link coming from an area of the Luxology forum reserved for licensed modo users.

After seeing this thread I started a thread on the Luxology forum with a link to this thread. On that thread I was falsely accused of leaking information intended for licensed modo users.

Here is the link to the thread I started on the Luxology forum:


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Sorry for the inconvenience but I have seen that on a French Modo forum where there is no special advertissement!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Sonk (SON_KIM)
Since, the Modo loader is base on parasolid library will there be any problems importing IGES/STEP(created in Moi3D)?
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 From:  Seb (SSZYSZKA)
This is huge. Will definitely be picking this up for the office.
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 From:  BurrMan
4873.8 In reply to 4873.7 
lol....Looks like there are a couple guy's who got their panties in a bunch over the release of this "super secret insider technology!!!" It must be a crushing blow to the development team at luxology. At the very least, a couple guy's on the forum...

Dont worry about it bisen..
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 From:  bisenberger
4873.9 In reply to 4873.8 
It's all kind of silly... anyway it looks pretty cool.
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 From:  bisenberger
The CAD Loader has been released:

modo 601 has also been released:
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 From:  Sun
4873.11 In reply to 4873.10 
Looks great, but Ouch! Too expensive for me. I think I'll stick to MOI to do my meshing, it works great. The only problems I've encountered with MOI are the inherent size limit of 32bit apps (any chance for a 64 bit version of MOI?), and screwed up normals for surfaces that aren't closed solids, like a cylinder with open ends for example. (I guess there's no way for it to know which way is 'out')
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4873.12 In reply to 4873.11 
Hi Sun,

> The only problems I've encountered with MOI are the inherent
> size limit of 32bit apps (any chance for a 64 bit version of MOI?),

Probably not anytime soon, as there is quite a bit of work involved in that including that I would need to move to a new compiler and update all libraries that MoI uses. It's a significant undertaking.

> and screwed up normals for surfaces that aren't closed solids,
> like a cylinder with open ends for example. (I guess there's no
> way for it to know which way is 'out')

Yeah an object that is not a closed volume does not have any automatic way to detect which side is the "outside" - like for example if you have an object that is just a plane all by itself there is no way for MoI to know if that plane is actually the front side of the box or the back side of the box and so the normal orientation will end up being arbitrary and will depend on factors like if you happened to draw some of the generator curves clockwise or counter-clockwise and stuff like that.

The same thing will happen in any program where you have open objects.

You can use the Flip command in MoI if you need to flip an open object's normal orientation so that it will generate a mesh with the opposite normals:

But really the easiest thing is to just turn on double-sided rendering and display instead of only doing single sided rendering in your rendering program. That way your objects will render the same no matter which way happens to be the positive surface normal direction.

- Michael
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