Poly modeler new to MOI, where to start
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4865.16 In reply to 4865.13 
There are things that are gray areas that incorporate both organic and profile driven elements too though. Vehicles can tend to be like this, where it's not so clearly in either domain.

- Michael
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4865.17 In reply to 4865.14 
immortalx, your English is most likely better than mine. :) Thanks - really like how you put that. Having spent a year working with Fusion 360 - happily just now getting to feel a bit familiar with MoI. As you implied MoI or NURBS modeling is a different mind set - which has only recently begun to sink in. One thing that has become evident is that regardless of how frustrated I get - MoI is ceaselessly interesting and a lot of fun. The forum here is the most helpful around. My wife thinks I'm addicted - she may be right. Also, it is beyond me how Michael Gibson manages answering all the questions with all the other plates he spins - it is rare indeed to have that kind of hands on owner these days.
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4865.18 In reply to 4865.15 
Thanks Michael, my work is flow picking up as the program becomes more familiar - and it seems that guitars are a productive initiative in MoI. (beginner opinion). One Rhino user on YouTube called Fusion 360 "confining." That comment makes sense to me now.
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