How do I start modeling a shape like the body of this razor?
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 From:  nonius
4855.42 In reply to 4855.41 
lol :-)
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 From:  wzhang
Great job modeling, rendering and animating! Bravo!
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 From:  paulrus
4855.44 In reply to 4855.38 
Sorry to jump in on this thread, but I've been considering Arion myself. It looks from your animation that it doesn't support motion blur. Is that the case?

I'm a Softimage user, and they've announced a new version of Arion for Softimage. However, if it can't render motion blur it's really not worth it.

I've been considering both Maxwell and Arion since they both look to be well integrated into Softimage. Maxwell's big negative is speed, so that's why Arion seemed so interesting.

Can you talk about it a bit more? Sorry for derailing the thread.


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