How do I start modeling a shape like the body of this razor?
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 From:  Rich_Art
4855.22 In reply to 4855.21 
Nice model...

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.23 In reply to 4855.21 
Those renders are wonderful, Nonius! I'm impressed!
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 From:  nonius
4855.24 In reply to 4855.23 
thnx magic,

rendering an animation as we speak at an average of 10 minutes/frame (which is fast). it's 200 fames so it will be ready in ... well, later ;-)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.25 In reply to 4855.24 
Wow, Arion makes fast movie renders as well?

Can't wait to see!

BTW, does anyone know how the quality of Arion's fine renders compare to other apps with non-biased settings, like VRay and Thea?

Their FAQ has this pretty amusing statement:

Q.- How much will Arion cost?

A.- The final price and licensing options will be disclosed when the release becomes imminent.

The price of Arion will be coherent with the performance and features of the package, and the fact that Arion is next-gen technology. There will be licensing options designed to cover a wide range of needs, depending on the hardware at your disposal.

Who wrote this, Gangster Guido in the shadowy corner?
Sounds to me, that statement smacks of "if you have to ask, then it's too expensive for you". ;-)
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 From:  nonius
4855.26 In reply to 4855.25 

this is very outdated information I think.
Updating the site is not one of their top priorities :-)
It is not cheap though and to be honnest, it is only since their last release that the purchase pays of.

The extra GPU's in your system also come with a certain price.

To render animations/movies you need to use Renderwarrior. A piece of command line software that comes with the software. You need to get used to it, but once you achieve that, it is quite fast. Strange watching command line interface rendering though. It is not communicated well but their stand alone package is not capable of rendering animations (yet). They see it more as a digital photo cam than as a video cam (their words, sort of)

As we speak it is rendering a movie of my razor model.


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
4855.27 In reply to 4855.25 
Hi Mike:here's another "fryer"(fryrender user)I don't have Arion but i follow the Randomcontrol forum
Arion is unbiased at 90% the rest is compromising between speed and quality
Maybe you can compare Arion to Bunkspeed Keyshot,the first one brings a lot of accurate material settings(in the last release 1.6)
don't need an host application,you can import directly an Obj object,the application put a backplate(if you want) and start render immediately
physics caustic(..swimming pool..)fog,camera roll,turntable presentation animation via -lua-script, Quick time VR output
they offered a special price for Xmas:30% off.Try to download the free demo version,just need the last Nvidia cards

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 From:  nonius
4855.28 In reply to 4855.27 

glad to see you're happy with keyshot and all... but who is asking about all this anyway?
Don't wanna be a party pooper here but is this a commercial or what? we are talking MOI here.
I could have rendered this in cinema 4d's native renderer as well.

I like keyshot too. Know it all too well, but I don't see you point here.

This forum is all about the fabulous MOI3D right?

greetz anyway.

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
4855.29 In reply to 4855.28 
my reply was to Mike-Magic (i'm his fan and supporter)..just wanted to explain little more to him about Arion's features
i'm not part of Randomcontrol staff so no commercial by me,but i support unbiased engines because are more easy to use(less settings,no tricks,etc..)
when i started to talk about Keyshot i say:"maybe",not "i'm sure"..i don't have it but i tried sometime's just my point of wiew
you are right:we are here to model and share ,sometimes in previous threads,we discussed about render engines too..sometimes we discussed about something's a forum
let's share

like Rich says:Peace !

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.30 In reply to 4855.29 
Thanks M-dynamics, I'm flattered! =-)

Michael's MoI is a unique program because it gives so much power to anyone that picks it up, as well as being easy and simple enough to use that you can teach your children.
Michael's MoI3D forum is unique, because it allows the masses to convene and share ideas and experiences - most importantly, the context of "masses" here, includes not only the design experts and geniuses, but the "everyday, walking around, spitting and scratching average everyday person".
What a great opportunity to mingle the two extremes in people to bring out a great wealth of creativity and know-how from all.

I enjoy standing in awe, when a design expert creates something amazing and complex. Even more so, when the creator uses animation!!!
But I also find much joy in seeing people new to MoI showing off a model that is simplistic and basic to experienced users, but a great accomplishment to the creator...
Knowing that maybe one of my tutorials sparked a bit of creative tinkering to that person makes me feel even better!

Yes, let's all share our ideas - and I thank everyone for sharing!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4855.31 In reply to 4855.30 
Thanks Mike, and your tutorials have been really great!

By the way it looks like you've got a new web address for the tutorials, should I update the link to them on the MoI resources page?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4855.32 In reply to 4855.30 
Hi Mike, looks like the old address for your tutorials was at and your new one is here:

Is that correct? I updated the link to reflect that, please let me know if that's not the right address.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.33 In reply to 4855.32 
Thank you Michael!!!

--- Oh yeah, I didn't think of that. Yes, please change the address. :-)

I couldn't pass up adding two more gigs of storage and gobs more bandwidth for a very nice price!
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
And Nonius,

Thanks for sharing your works, I hope you get to envision many more creations using MoI.
BTW, I think I'm correct that the portfolio page by the link to the site given from the "Supradyn" MoI gallery entry [whew!] is your work?
Did you do the 3D graphics in the short story: "Mrs. Peppercorn"?
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 From:  Rich_Art
4855.35 In reply to 4855.34 
<<<<<< like Rich says:Peace !>>>>>>>>

Lol... yeah I'm used to close every post with that word. I do this since the first post I made. back in the 90's.
I think I wrote "peace" more than 100.000 times lol.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
4855.36 In reply to 4855.35 
==I'm used to close every post with that word==

...don't stop to do it...
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 From:  nonius
4855.37 In reply to 4855.34 


yeah, all blog stuff is mine.
And I worked VFX on Peppercorn indeed (at least my name's in the end credits, hahaha).


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 From:  nonius
4855.38 In reply to 4855.37 
here's the Razor animated:

gr. and enjoy

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.39 In reply to 4855.38 
Bravo Nonius!!!! Masterful and to the point in just 11 seconds!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool for the bearded men...or rare bearded women. :)
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4855.41 In reply to 4855.40 
Or for making the rare bearded woman and non-bearded woman, or woman that used to have a beard.... still ick. :-/

Uh huh... Quite the imagination, Pilou. ;-)
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