Bending Object ?
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 From:  Anis
4813.3 In reply to 4813.2 
Hi Michael...,

Is the flow command can do this :

Create "flat part" with sketch,

Run flow or bend command one by one to get these two bending,

Thank you !

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4813.4 In reply to 4813.3 
Hi Anis - that kind of bending looks like one of those sheet metal operations, which is a fairly different kind of operation than the deformation type process that Flow uses.

Flow basically does a reconstruction of all the surfaces in your model to transform things like planes that only have 4 corner control points into flexy surfaces that have more control points added into them as needed in order to flex.

The kind of operation that you are showing there takes a pretty different approach, putting in things similar to fillet surfaces between pieces rather than doing a deformation/refitting type process.

So I'm not sure that either Flow or a Bend tool based on the same deformation method would really be an exact replacement for that kind of sheet metal operation. It might work for some things though.

If you want to try it, you would just use a base curve and a target curve like this:

Then your flat object goes around the base line like this:

Then Flow can give you this result:

But notice there how each surface in the original stays as one surface in the deformed result - that one-to-one matching may cause you some problems in things like when you have a thick part that would need to become segmented in order to do a proper sheet metal type bend on it, which would otherwise get bunched up when it stays all as one surface that is being deformed.

So I'm not sure that the deformation tools are quite a match with what you need there, maybe to some extent though.

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
4813.5 In reply to 4813.4 
Hi Michael...

Yes, those part is sheet metal object. Looks like for automotive industry.
You can see the approach on this video :

After you see the video, do you think that in the future MoI can have those command ?

Thank you...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4813.6 In reply to 4813.5 
Hi Anis - it does not seem very likely to me that MoI would get those particular features in the future. Those kinds of features take a long time to develop, and the geometry library that MoI currently uses does not have any focus in that particular area of work.

Stuff like that usually requires licensing a kernel like ACIS or Parasolid that have been building up the feature set for those areas for a long time already.

Sheet metal design is just in general a big area that I don't really have much experience in - that's another reason why it is unlikely that features for that specific area will be coming to MoI. If you need to do that kind of sheet metal design you should focus on using one of those programs that are more oriented towards it currently.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
4813.7 In reply to 4813.6 
Hi Michael...

I understand the situation, no problem... I am just curious the future of MoI :).
It will interesting to see what is the next new feature coming to Moi after you finilize the MoI Osx.

Thank you...
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Sheet metal design packages are very specialised program's using unique calculations specifically used for the sheet metal industry only, it considers the metal used along with values like tensile strength, Young's modulus, yield strength etc, to determine the end result and behaviour of bent or formed metal. So if Michael is considering studying metallurgy then we will probably see it In MoI V7 or when it becomes 'Autodesk MoI' ;)

Merry Chistmas
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 From:  Anis
4813.9 In reply to 4813.8 
Hi Danny....

If you see the video on my previous post, you can see Cimatron can bend object easily. Here in MoI I wish to see the same command :). No need to considering material properties. I just need on "modeling" side, no need to have simulation side. For the forming ability then we can use another CAE software. It will nice if MoI can help us on modeling side. Thats what initially I am thinking about.

BTW, is there any similar command in NX ?

And yes..., we hope that MoI not aquired by Autodesk :(.

Thank you...
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