hollow sphere
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.7 In reply to 4795.3 
Here some pictures of the kind of spheres I have in mind:

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 From:  bemfarmer
4795.8 In reply to 4795.7 
Twist applied to sphere longitude curves, makes a good start.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4795.9 In reply to 4795.6 
Hi Linda,

> Should I download the V3 beta version or the Mac beta version?
> (currently I'm using the V2 on a Mac but I had to install Parallells
> and Windows 7) .

Either one should be fine, but if you're running on a Mac probably the Mac version would be the easiest. It's available from here:

> If I had known (in september) I would have waited for
> the Mac version and not go through all that trouble
> (and money).

You mean for setting up Parallels? Yeah unfortunately I wasn't really sure that I would actually be able to do the Mac version until quite recently.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4795.10 In reply to 4795.7 
Hi Linda,

> Here some pictures of the kind of spheres I have in mind:

So probably the most general purpose way that will let you try different variations easily is to use the Flow method. Those previous links should help to give you some idea of how to set it up.

But one thing you may run into is that a sphere is a surface that collapses down to a point at its top and bottom pole areas - when you use Flow on a sphere the objects that you are flowing from the base plane onto the sphere will also shrink down at the pole areas as well. if you want to have a more uniform type shape you may want to use Flow to create curves rather than deforming already built solids, and then when you have the curves into position on the sphere you can draw a circle off to the side and use the Sweep command to build tubes around all the paths.

Here is an example - you start with your curves all laid out flat like on a map of the world, and draw a base plane beneath them using Draw solid > Plane, so it looks something like this:

You probably want to have the plane have a 2 to 1 ratio of width to height so that it will generally match the sphere's layout which is a 360 degree revolve of a 180 degree arc. So when you create the plane type in some values for width and height that will give you a 2 to 1 ratio like width of 40 and height of 20.

Now select just those curves and not the plane, so it should look like this:

You can now use the new v3 Flow tool (under Transform > Deform > Flow, it doesn't have an icon yet but the button is there) to map those curves from the plane onto a curved surface. If you do it on a sphere it will be basically the same thing as how a flat map of the world wraps onto a globe.

When you run Flow the first prompt (the prompt shown in the upper-right area of the window which is where MoI tells you want kind of action it is waiting for you to complete right then) is for picking the base surface which is the plane.

The spot where you pick on the plane is significant - it will match things up according to which edges you clicked nearest to. So when you pick the base plane, pick it near this spot here:

Then for the next stage where you're picking the target surface click the sphere near its vertical seam edge here:

That will then put the curves onto the sphere like this:

You can now delete the sphere and leave just those curves behind:

Now draw a circle somewhere off to the side far enough away so that is outside of the bounding box of the curves, that will active auto-place mode (see the Pod video tutorial for some more explanation of auto-place mode http://moi3d.com/2.0/docs/tutorials.htm) :

Then you can select that circle and use Construct > Sweep to sweep it along all those curves to make tubes:

MoI can have difficulty trying to boolean together tubes that criss cross each other in that manner though, so if possible you probably want to just leave them how they are instead of attempting to boolean all those together, that's a difficult case for the booleans to handle very well. But for a lot of things you can probably just leave them like that.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Here's a video of one method:



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 From:  BurrMan
4795.12 In reply to 4795.11 
Sweet Danperk!
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
4795.13 In reply to 4795.12 
Thanks Burr!

I think it's better when I stay away from audio, a lot easier on peoples ears/speakers. ;)
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 From:  bemfarmer
4795.14 In reply to 4795.11 
Nice ornament danperk!
Just made one using similar, but different methods.
The small ring was a bit harder.

EDITED: 17 Dec 2011 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4795.15 In reply to 4795.11 
Twist the sphere is very tricky!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Rich_Art
4795.16 In reply to 4795.15 
Cool sphere. Thanks for the tut.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
Thanks to everybody for their help. I forgot to give credit for the pictures I posted. I'm not sure about the 2 first ones but the 3d one (actually 2 pictures) is from Karen Wuytens. Check her out, her work is very interesting!
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.18 In reply to 4795.9 
Hi Michael,
I tried to download the beta version on my Mac (I currently use the V2 version with Parallels/winows on my Mac) but I'm unable to open the application (Wineserver and WineskinX11 quit unexpectedly). I'm working on a Macbook Pro 5,1 , Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OSx10.5.8 . Maybe I should upgrade to a higher version? What do you suggest?
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
4795.19 In reply to 4795.18 
Hi Linda,

In his first comment in the thread "Mac OSX v3 Prototype available now" ( http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4737.1 ) , Michael stated that :

"This requires OSX version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or 10.7 (Lion). I haven't even tested it yet on 10.6 so I'm not even really sure it runs ok there yet or not. I'm pretty sure it will not run on 10.5 though (which is due to limits in Apple's newest development tools)."

I can confirm that it doesn't work on 10.5.8 on my side either, as Michael expected.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4795.20 In reply to 4795.18 
Hi Linda,

> I'm working on a Macbook Pro 5,1 , Intel Core 2 Duo,
> Mac OSx10.5.8 .

Yeah unfortunately it won't work on OSX version 10.5.x , it requires 10.6 or 10.7 - that's because Apple's current development tools (XCode 4) can only produce programs that work for 10.6 or higher, Apple's most current tools do not support making programs for 10.5 anymore.

> Maybe I should upgrade to a higher version? What do you suggest?

Upgrading to either OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) , or 10.7 (Lion) would work.

Either one is fine for MoI - I think that 10.7 has some more various changes in UI and stuff like that than 10.6 so it could be possible that 10.6 would be more comfortable. Since that's not the current version it might be more difficult to actually get it though, I'm not sure about that.

- Michael
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.21 In reply to 4795.20 
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.22 In reply to 4795.19 
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 From:  citroelf
4795.23 In reply to 4795.22 

Thanks - very good instructions
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