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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.18 In reply to 4795.9 
Hi Michael,
I tried to download the beta version on my Mac (I currently use the V2 version with Parallels/winows on my Mac) but I'm unable to open the application (Wineserver and WineskinX11 quit unexpectedly). I'm working on a Macbook Pro 5,1 , Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OSx10.5.8 . Maybe I should upgrade to a higher version? What do you suggest?
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 From:  Mip (VINC)
4795.19 In reply to 4795.18 
Hi Linda,

In his first comment in the thread "Mac OSX v3 Prototype available now" ( http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4737.1 ) , Michael stated that :

"This requires OSX version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or 10.7 (Lion). I haven't even tested it yet on 10.6 so I'm not even really sure it runs ok there yet or not. I'm pretty sure it will not run on 10.5 though (which is due to limits in Apple's newest development tools)."

I can confirm that it doesn't work on 10.5.8 on my side either, as Michael expected.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4795.20 In reply to 4795.18 
Hi Linda,

> I'm working on a Macbook Pro 5,1 , Intel Core 2 Duo,
> Mac OSx10.5.8 .

Yeah unfortunately it won't work on OSX version 10.5.x , it requires 10.6 or 10.7 - that's because Apple's current development tools (XCode 4) can only produce programs that work for 10.6 or higher, Apple's most current tools do not support making programs for 10.5 anymore.

> Maybe I should upgrade to a higher version? What do you suggest?

Upgrading to either OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) , or 10.7 (Lion) would work.

Either one is fine for MoI - I think that 10.7 has some more various changes in UI and stuff like that than 10.6 so it could be possible that 10.6 would be more comfortable. Since that's not the current version it might be more difficult to actually get it though, I'm not sure about that.

- Michael
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.21 In reply to 4795.20 
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 From:  Linda (SAVINEAU)
4795.22 In reply to 4795.19 
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 From:  citroelf
4795.23 In reply to 4795.22 

Thanks - very good instructions
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