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 From:  Michael Gibson
478.43 In reply to 478.42 
Hi Will, I haven't talked to the T-Splines guys about anything like this.

It would be a while before this would be possible - the T-Splines guys need a pretty comprehensive plug-in mechanism to make their stuff work. I don't expect to have proper documented support for doing plug-ins into MoI for a while yet.

The methods they use are compatible with MoI's NURBS surfaces, as far as translation between a t-spline object and a NURBS object goes. But there is a lot more involved than just translation - they essentially would need to add a new type of object to MoI to handle the editing of ther T-splines surfaces.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
478.44 In reply to 478.43 
Thanks Michael, I wasn't expecting anything immediate, just hoping perhaps that one day in the future, T-Splines might make it in as a nice feature addition to MOI.

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