moi for students
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 From:  Ralf-S
4763.2 In reply to 4763.1 
Hi tech,

Please take a look :-)
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 From:  tech
4763.3 In reply to 4763.1 
argh sorry, didn't see the link on the mainpage^^
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 From:  tech
4763.4 In reply to 4763.3 
Win Download - Edu
Win Download - Edu (5 to 9)
Win Download - Edu (25 plus)

whats the difference between this versions? the become cheaper with higher numbers?!?

btw: is there a release date for v3? i don't want to buy now just to see the release is in 2 weeks^^
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4763.5 In reply to 4763.4 
Hi tech
Michael says that it will be close to a year. Buy ver 2 and use ver 3 free for a year ... what a deal!
Ver 3 is rock solid and has numerous enhancements beyond ver 2.
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
4763.6 In reply to 4763.4 
It's the number of licences.
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 From:  tech
ok thx!

why are 25 licences cheaper than one?
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
4763.8 In reply to 4763.7 
The price is each.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4763.9 In reply to 4763.4 
Hi tech,

> Win Download - Edu
> Win Download - Edu (5 to 9)
> Win Download - Edu (25 plus)
> whats the difference between this versions? the become
> cheaper with higher numbers?!?

Yup, it's a "volume discount" - if you are going to purchase a large number of licenses at one time like say a teacher wanting to put one on every machine in a classroom, then the price for each license is lower. For example if you buy 25 copies you will pay the amount on the (25 plus) line per copy.

That educational license applies also to teachers as well as students, and the volume discount is pretty much only something that teachers would be interested in.

There is no difference in the software between those entries - those are all the exact same software, it's just showing the per-item discount you will get if you order a large volume in one batch.

- Michael
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 From:  tech
4763.10 In reply to 4763.9 
>Yup, it's a "volume discount" - if you are going to purchase a large number of licenses at one time like say a teacher wanting to put one on every machine in a >classroom, then the price for each license is lower. For example if you buy 25 copies you will pay the amount on the (25 plus) line per copy.

ok, i expected that, but if i put the amount of "one" MoI (25 licences) on my shopping card it shows me 55,95 € + tax. but shouldn’t it show 1398,72 € (25 * 55,59€) + tax?

i understand how it should work but it seems to work wrong?

why is the commercial version at studica cheaper than at this site?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4763.11 In reply to 4763.10 
Hi tech,

> ok, i expected that, but if i put the amount of "one" MoI
> (25 licences) on my shopping card it shows me 55,95 € + tax.
> but shouldn’t it show 1398,72 € (25 * 55,59€) + tax?

You still have to enter the quantity that you want - that 25+ license price does not necessarily mean you have to only purchase 25 licenses, you could order 26 or 28 or 32 licenses, any quantity 25 or above.

If you only order 1 with that item you won't be able to complete the purchase later on.

If you only want to order 1 license you'll need to order the one that does not have any volume numbers in it.

> why is the commercial version at studica cheaper than at this site?

They're a reseller and they set their own prices, you would need to contact them to ask them about that.

- Michael
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 From:  tech
ok thank you!

but i've got one last question:

i can't take a look at the demoversion, so i have to ask:

is there a way to construct with exact measures like a "real" CAD-program did? at least in a simple way?
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
of course! you can do it just by typing in the measure.
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 From:  BurrMan
4763.14 In reply to 4763.12 

MoI is a real CAD program.. True exacting measurments with 2d/3d creation.

Somehow you thought it is not real? (Although, it does seem too good to be true :o)
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Yeah! MoI is more real CAD than anything but I think it looks too simple and different from other CAD programs. When I used it with the original interface people at my school didn't give it any attention and the ones that did didn't take it seriously because of how it looked, but when I turned it into a black theme people looked at it like a more serious program.
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 From:  BurrMan
4763.16 In reply to 4763.15 
"""""""but when I turned it into a black theme people looked at it like a more serious program."""""""""""

Thats funny. I just whip something up in 3 minutes, 30 seconds that they would work on for an hour and say, "Whadaya think?" lol
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4763.17 In reply to 4763.12 
Hi tech, why can't you look at the demo version? There is no cost for that, you can just download it from here:

There are 2 different demo versions, one is a 30-day trial with full functionality for 30 days which then expires, and there is also a second demo version which does not ever expire but instead has saving disabled.

Running the demo version is the easiest way to see how it works.

For accuracy, basically every drawing command in MoI has input fields where you can specify an exact size directly. So for example when you're drawing a circle when you place the point you can either click it with the mouse (using snaps as well), or you can type in an x,y,z value instead to place it at a specific numeric point. Then in the second step where you're picking the radius for the circle you can again either use the mouse to do it or you can type in a number to fill in the "Radius" edit field with the specific value you want.

When you're entering in points there are various options to do stuff like enter values relative from the last point, or enter in values by angle and distance with polar coordinates instead of x,y,z values, some info on that here:

MoI is not the same kind of thing as a "Parametric" CAD system though (if you're thinking of stuff like SolidWorks, Pro/E, etc...), in MoI you usually don't apply accuracy after you have drawn something like you might in a constraint-based system, instead in MoI you usually give it the values that you want at the time you are drawing it.

- Michael
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 From:  tech
Ok thanks, i think you have a new customer :)

I can't try the Demo because i am not at home, so i have no PC to install it ;)
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 From:  tech
ok now i have tested the demo... this program is great :) but you wrote, changing the style brings a better feeling. where can i find some template-files or styles?


strange, i CAN buy ONE copy of the 25+ licence for the cheaper price ....

EDITED: 7 Dec 2011 by TECH

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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
4763.20 In reply to 4763.19 

I am pretty sure that if you actually tried to purchase the 25+ bundle you would have to verify your teaching credentials, which you do not have. Also you would have to verify how many seats you need (which you would not get this far as you are not a teacher) and the price you see is per seat.

The 25+ cost would be the price that you see (around $75 each I think) X 25 seats (or more). So, if you were a teacher and you did buy 25 seats it would cost you around $2000.

Just because you can add items to your cart and see prices does not mean that you will be allowed to purchase them. However, feel free to try to get 1 seat by selecting the 25+ seat option and see if you get away with the tune of $2,000 or so. Good luck with that apparent 1 seat price.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4763.21 In reply to 4763.19 
Hi tech,

> ok now i have tested the demo... this program is great :)
> but you wrote, changing the style brings a better feeling.
> where can i find some template-files or styles?

Right now there's not an easy way to change the UI styles, some people do it by modifying the UI files themselves, which are all contained within the \ui subfolder inside of the main installation folder.

It's a pretty involved process and I don't really recommend doing it right now especially when you're just trying to learn the program.

I am working on ways to make it easier to switch between different UI themes in a future version.

> strange, i CAN buy ONE copy of the 25+ licence for the
> cheaper price ....

Probably what will happen is that your order won't go past their verification process and you'll have to start it all over again.

I'm not sure exactly what will happen though - that order system is part of Studica, it's not something that I control directly myself. They are a separate company from me that handles taking the MoI educational orders, you would really need to contact them directly to find out about this.

- Michael
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