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 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
4737.130 In reply to 4737.127 
Ok, I think I found the cause of my "Rotation Mode". It seems to be caused by using cmd-Tab to switch between apps.
Please do the following:

Open TextEdit

Open MoI and draw a solid box

Press cmd-Tab and switch to TextEdit

Write something

Press cmd-Tab and switch back to MoI

Try to select a surface of the box.

Voila, instant "Rotation Mode"


It only "works" if you use cmd-Tab to switch between MoI and another app.
A way to get out of "Rotation Mode" is to change back to MoI by clicking into the MoI window instead of using cmd-Tab.
I hope you can simulate that behaviour.

Update: It seems to fail only when there is no clicking involved while switching between the two apps.

EDITED: 4 Dec 2011 by MARTIN3D

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 From:  jtucker
Count me in as another Mac OSX user. I switched over about a year ago. So far I have not had any additional problems running OSX 10.6.8 on a Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro. As far as copy and paste problems, I do notice the Transformation tools all seem to work. I do get some "jumping around" on the screen when selecting curves in those tools if there are scroll bars present in the window. I do not recall the Windows version doing that.

Any way thanks a lot for making this happen!!

J. Tucker
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.132 In reply to 4737.130 
Thanks very much for tracking down the sequence that causes it Martin, that should help out a lot in getting it fixed up!

I will be taking a look into it soon.

- Michael
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 From:  Jeff Hammond (JEFF_HAMMOND)
4737.133 In reply to 4737.132 
hi Michael..

with regards to licensing:
would the following scenario be against the licensing agreement:

i have my mother company buy a v2 license (they use windows in the office).. which i'm sure they will install moi on if they were to buy it..

i use that license on my machine with 2.5 osx when available.

thanks for clarification.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.134 In reply to 4737.133 
Hi Jeff,

> i have my mother company buy a v2 license (they use
> windows in the office).. which i'm sure they will install moi
> on if they were to buy it..
> i use that license on my machine with 2.5 osx when available.

Are you the one that would be using it on the Windows install also?

Or do you mean that someone else would be using the Windows installed one, and then you would additionally be using the OSX version on top of that?

If you have 2 different people that are going to be using the software at the same time then you need to purchase 2 licenses for that scenario.

You can install the same license in multiple places, just so long as it is only being actively run in one place at a time, that's meant for one person to be able to use the same license on multiple machines that they use, not for multiple people to be using the same license at the same time.

For multiple people all using it at the same time each person should have their own license for that kind of use.

- Michael
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 From:  Jeff Hammond (JEFF_HAMMOND)
4737.135 In reply to 4737.134 
right.. that's what i figured but just asking to be sure.

they're in FL, im in NYC.. there would be times i'm sure when both the windows and osx version are open at the same time.

but they bought my indigo and sketchup licenses (as well as their own) [and have said they'll transfer one of their rhino licenses to me when that time comes because rhino is too confusing for them :-)) ]
so maybe i can line up two sales for you via them :)
otherwise, i'll just get my own personal license as i'm itching to bring moi into my designflow..

thanks for the info.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
@Jeff : and I believe that you can put your Moi version on USB key!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Luis (LFUNG)
4737.137 In reply to 4737.121 
FYI. Not to be outdone by the machine, I was able to get Moi working on my little black mac by setting the offscreen rendering mode to "backbuffer" instead of "fbo" which seems to be the default.

Will test some more later on...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.138 In reply to 4737.137 
That's great news Luis!

It turns out that it was kind of accidental that it was actually doing offscreen rendering at all, I think I will have something to send you in a bit here which tweaks a couple of other things.

But it does look like it's going to be possible to get it to work there after all.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.139 In reply to 4737.137 
I'll also tune it up so that if your card doesn't support fbo it will turn that offscreen rendering mode to "backbuffer" by default.

But basically it was trying to use fbos because it thought it was rendering at one size and then going to later on display the final result in a different sized window than the rendering when that's not really what happens. Now that I've got that fixed up it doesn't worry about trying to use fbos or offscreen rendering at all which should simplify things.

- Michael
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 From:  Luis (LFUNG)
4737.140 In reply to 4737.139 
Hi Michael,

I cannot send you a pm. The system is blocking it with an opted out msg.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.141 In reply to 4737.140 
Hi Luis,

> I cannot send you a pm. The system is blocking it
> with an opted out msg.

Seems that my PM space was filled up, I've freed up some room can you please try again?

- Michael
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 From:  Luis (LFUNG)
4737.142 In reply to 4737.141 
no love still. pm not working. could be me. but i've logged out and logged back in a few times...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.143 In reply to 4737.142 
Hi Luis, can you send me an e-mail at instead?

- Michael
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 From:  SW03
4737.144 In reply to 4737.116 
Just wanted to confirm that besides the window-lags from time to time on resize – It runs smooth as a catweasel. Love it.

The load / save / file dialogs coud be integrated better, but hey – it works .. :D

2.4Ghz 2010 Mac Mini
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.145 In reply to 4737.144 
Hi SW03, thanks for testing it!

> The load / save / file dialogs coud be integrated
> better, but hey – it works .. :D

Yeah that's probably the single weirdest part right now - I do plan on overhauling these to use the native OSX file dialogs, and I'll also try to tune up the window sizing as well.

Of course in the grand scheme of things it's not so common to resize the window as it is to do stuff like rotate and pan the views, so it's good that the much more heavily used area of the regular screen redraw is working smoothly already.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
I'm a bit late to the party but, a Mac OS version, Michael?! This is amazing and it will be great for Mac users who did not want to bootcamp, etc. to Moi.

To me, Moi is sort of a professional paradox: with Moi it is possible to do serious work, in less time and have fun doing it.

Congrats, Michael.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4737.147 In reply to 4737.146 
Thanks Leonard, I'm glad that you've been having fun using MoI!

And yup, I've definitely heard from people who did not want to go through the hassle of setting up bootcamp or Parallels/VMWare (although quite a few people did do that too) so this new version should be helpful since it doesn't need any of that.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I attached what i described above with named objects for easier understanding, thanks for your support!

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 From:  BurrMan
4737.149 In reply to 4737.148 
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