Help with filleting
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 From:  mercar
4734.4 In reply to 4734.3 
I understand that they must be all united surfaces to fillet. But more importantly for my would be if Michael teaches me how did these curves to generate the model with united faces.
Thank you
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 From:  BurrMan
4734.5 In reply to 4734.4 
Turn on points for your surfaces and review this area:

You will see you have folds in the surface.

These will stop the fillet/chamfer tool.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
4734.6 In reply to 4734.5 
Here I extracted the edges of the top surface and ran Rebuild on them. Then I re-swept the surface, extruded it and ran a chamfer on it..

The original curves had several of the little folds in it.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  BurrMan
4734.7 In reply to 4734.6 
Here's the file with the rebuilt object. If you are doing some type of reverse engineering/scanning operation that is creating these scrambled curves, and there is a need to "adhere" (you will see my result is slightly different than the original) then your only option would be to slowly go down each curve, looking for those little folds, and deleting the 1 point that creates the fold. Once all those are out, the original file would chamfer also.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  bigseb
I saw those folds too. Don't know why they're are there but I'll have to change my strategy. Did a centre line sweep before, I'll try with two outer curves this time round and see what I get.

Thanks all!! :)
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 From:  mercar
4734.9 In reply to 4734.8 
Please Bigseb

Could you show in a tutorial complete proceedings since the creation of curves please? I want to improve my knowledge of MoI and I am sure that this can help me much.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4734.10 In reply to 4734.1 
Hi Sebastian - yeah the folds that Burr shows above will cause numerous problems with surface/surface intersection mechanisms - many operations such as trimming, booleans, or filleting will not usually work right on surfaces that are messed up in that particular way.

I don't see any of the original generator curves used to create that surface still in this file - you'll probably want to check those curves out and make sure that the original curves that were being used don't have a folded over area in the curve - if it does then usually surfaces created from that kind of curve will inherit the same problem as well.

- Michael
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 From:  bigseb
4734.11 In reply to 4734.9 

Sure, it'll take a while though. The images you saw in this thread are for a celtic ring which I am busy rendering at the moment. I may still make some changes, but they'll be more or less in line with what I have now. Keep an eye on the galleries page ;)
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 From:  bigseb
4734.12 In reply to 4734.10 

Thanks, got it sorted now. :)
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