Couple of recents models
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4714.2 In reply to 4714.1 
Wow jpaluck, these are looking great! I hope you'll be able to post some pictures of the cut pieces as well it would be fun to see those too!

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4714.3 In reply to 4714.1 
Hi jpaluck,

pretty impressive work! Out of curiosity, for the medallion, the rope like one and since you mentioned it, are you concerned that it may be very difficult, if not impossible to cut "perfectly" on your machine? By perfectly I mean something like 3D printing would give for example.

But still, I'd love to see photos of the result.

Thanks for sharing,
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 From:  jpaluck

The rope will actually cut very well. I attached some screentshots of what it looks likes in the Carvewright software. Carvewright's software is called's the WYSIWYG of cnc. What your looking at is how it will carve. What I did do with the rope was first model in 3d, then cut in half, then used flow wrap around a circle. Carvewright is 3 axis machine so eveything is cut in 2.5d. Full 3d would have to be done in peices as a glue up.

Carvewright has done a good job with making cnc simple. It's a simple as drag on drop on a virtual board. The have their own propriatry file types. Good hobbyist machine.
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4714.5 In reply to 4714.4 

ok, I understand what you mean but I was thinking more of the problem caused by the size of the bit and not being able to cut the corner square kind of stuff and or all the areas where be bit can't reach the bottom of the "ideal" cut without touching and cutting the side as well. In the case of your CNC, do you know how this is handle to prevent overcut? I also understand as a last result "elbow grease" may be necessary to finish the job almost perfectly.

I assume it's also possible to tweak the design such that they are no areas the bit can't reach without overcut. In this specific case, it seems like some areas of the rope near the base are unreachable from the top but I may be wrong. The rest is much less obvious.

I'll just add, I still like this piece very much, great work.

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 From:  jpaluck

The Carvewright uses a 1/16 bit to carve the whole what you see on the virtual board is pretty much how it will carve...if there are under cuts when the model is imported it will result in a straight drop off..and that would show as such on the virtual board
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4714.7 In reply to 4714.6 

impressive, I guess then what we see is what we get as they say. You load your model, the program generates the toolpath and it shows you the backplot or something like that.

Sorry, I'm a very curious guy, can your program export the result as an STL or whatever so that we can compare it with the original and see the difference if any? I guess that even if it doesn't, one could machine it and study the result such that in the next designs one could take into account what can and can't be done say things like a square corner. Maybe all this is futile, you either like what you see or you don't and you go from there.

Thanks for sharing your lovely work with us.


PS. I know I've answered my own questions, sorry.
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