Surface normal in a mess when exporting
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4602.12 In reply to 4602.10 
> but as you can see in the previous image, it would be a
> tedious work to do here, except if it does a kind of "align"
> like in modo, that is turning all normals in the same way
> for a given surface.

Well yes when you do a Flip in MoI it flips the entire surface including other surfaces that are joined to it all as one piece, then all the polygons generated from that flipped surface will be going in the other direction.

But yes it can be better to use solids rather than messing with flipping but I still don't understand why you can't just turn on double sided lighting and not have to deal with it at all...

Surely there is a setting Modo for you to be able to see double-sided display within the editor window as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Gep
4602.13 In reply to 4602.12 
Ok ok, it's all my fault, i now can export with no artefacts on n-gones, i was just doing things the wrong way. Sorry to have make you lose time on this, but at least it made me understand...

For modo, yes i can select the inverted polys in modo, but i have to select them "from behind", wich means turning around and inside the mesh again and again. But anyway this issue was solved by closing the mesh in MoI, so no more need to spent time on this either.

So, many thanks for your help, it all came from me and my poor technical skills, but you had me progressing. :)

Back to work now, buildings, buildings, houses, buildings...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4602.14 In reply to 4602.13 
Hi Gep, no problem, I'm glad you've got things working now!

But you may want to ask on the Luxology forum about some setting to make all polygons show up in the editor window instead of having back-facing ones being hidden in the display. There is likely some setting you can switch to make that happen and then you would no longer need to spin around to select those polygons, that would then make things easier.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
4602.15 In reply to 4602.14 

This option will help to solve your selection problem.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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