Question re constraining two curves
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4555.21 In reply to 4555.20 
Maybe a center radius point that could be draggable?

The vector scribe plugin for illustrator does something like this:

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4555.22 In reply to 4555.21 
Hi Marc,

> Maybe a center radius point that could be draggable?

Right, but that's the one that requires a different solver.

Instead of solving the problem "find the points on the 2 curves to make a fillet arc of the given radius", it's more like "find the points on the 2 curves to make a fillet arc with the center closest to the given center point, with radius being calculated".

It's a different problem to solve and would require a different solver mechanism to be written to calculate it - that's certainly possible but it's a fair amount of work to do it. So that could be possible in the future.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4555.23 In reply to 4555.22 
Oh, I think I understand, but then again I have a bad cold. :-)

I guess It's a kind of mechanism that looks simple but takes a lot of work to implement.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4555.24 In reply to 4555.23 
Hi Marc, well it kind of depends on what you mean by "a lot" ... :)

It's probably a couple of days worth of focused work, but that kind of puts it into a category of stuff that becomes more difficult to schedule.

It's something that's simple if you only have a fillet between 2 line segments of course, but with 2 arbitrary wiggly curves rather than just lines it's a much different scenario to deal with.

It's a good idea though and I'd like to work on it at some point, it's just difficult to know when.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4555.25 In reply to 4555.24 
It looks to me more like a slider for the radius of the fillet.
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