Pepsi Generation
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
4475.13 In reply to 4475.12 
I just made sure to cut the bottom up a bit to ensure the segment had a flat bottom face. Then the fillet tool worked just fine.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4475.14 In reply to 4475.12 
Hi Felix,

> I was referring to what looks like a variable fillet that
> you can see on the screenshot Michael provided and
> that is not in is 3dm file.

That was actually just a regular constant radius fillet - to do that download the model Bottle Cap Segment2.3dm that I posted above, then make an edge selection like this:

Then run Construct > Fillet to round those edges off - here I used a radius of 0.3:

That's normal that a constant radius fillet can grow or shrink in size in areas where surfaces change their slope to one another. In areas where the surfaces are coming close to being tangent only a small sized fillet of the given radius will fit in there, and a larger span is needed when the slope between them increases.

Here's an example with curves - note the size required to make a tangent arc in each of these cases - the span of the arc increases or decreases depending on the slope between the lines. That's not variable radius though - each of those arcs comes from a circle of the same radius.

A variable radius fillet means to adjust the radius size as another additional separate thing.

- Michael

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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4475.15 In reply to 4475.14 
Hi Michael and Don,

I did exactly what you suggested Michael and on my first try it didn't work at all. I think I know why, when Moi open and you load in the file, the fillet command as no default fillet radius and I did put in 0.3 as suggested but I must have forgotten to press enter or something like that. Now it works fine. Sometime I wonder if I'm not loosing it as I get older, I make way to many mistake like that for my taste. I apologise for being so...

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 From:  YHWH_777
4475.16 In reply to 4475.1 

Great render.

<< I made a custom material using a flat photo of a real bottle cap as a label (decal) applied to the model, rendered in KeyShot.>>

What software did you use to apply the label?
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Message 4475.17 deleted 4 Sep 2011 by DON_CHEKE

 From:  ed (EDDYF)
4475.18 In reply to 4475.16 
YHWH_777 - The label is made from a straight on photo of an actual Pepsi bottle cap, copied using a round selection tool, and saved as a transparent png. The png photo is applied as a label (decal) within KeyShot's material editor. KeyShot has the ability to load images, resize and position them over the model. Great for applying graphics to cars or labels to wine bottles :) The reflections in the Pepsi bottle cap are coming from the HDRI environment I selected in KeyShot.


EDITED: 4 Sep 2011 by EDDYF

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