Flow-jagged curve outcome

 From:  possum
I have a bit of a problem here..thought someone might be able to help. I was trying to make a telephone cord that followed along a curved path. I made the cord by sweeping a circle along a helix and then tried to 'flow' the helix along the curved shape. It did not work.

What I did next was to try to flow the helix along the curve with the intention of then sweeping the circle along the result. The helix does flow along the curve but the resultant curve is a 'jagged' sawtooth sorth of curve that does not produce a smooth sweep...any help with this would be appreciated.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4468.2 In reply to 4468.1 
Hi possum, could you please post the 3DM model file with those curves in it so I can test with them over here?

That probably looks like a bug that will need to be fixed - it could be possibly something like a limit to how many points are used in the deformed result, that probably requires a pretty big number of points to reconstruct something like that and some limits may need to be raised.

Are you able to get a proper result when using a helix with fewer turns in it?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4468.3 In reply to 4468.1 
You might also see if placing both the base line and the target curve down on to the world x/y plane (like rotating them by 90 degrees so they are flat in the Top view) makes it behave better. Looks like there may be some kind of bug with dealing with things going in a vertical direction right now.

- Michael
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 From:  possum
4468.4 In reply to 4468.3 
reducing the number of turns appears to reduce the amplitude of the sawthooth pattern but it does not remove it by any means. Turning the curves over on their sides does fix the problem (regardless of the number of turns). I have included the file just in case you still want it...thanks for the help.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4468.5 In reply to 4468.4 
Thanks for the file possum - there definitely looks like a bug there to track down.

In the meantime it does appear that if you keep both curves to be within the world x/y plane instead of going in a vertical direction it should work better.

- Michael
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