point array on path
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4467.2 In reply to 4467.1 
Hi Burr, well it does actually array it along the path but because your point is located off of the curve there is a kind of offset distance that comes into play where each copied version is at that same distance away from the curve.

With only a few points being generated it will be kind of hard to see the pattern - try making something like 100 copies (set Item count option to 100) and then you should see the pattern of how it is tracing along a kind of offset curve.

To get more control over something like this you probably want to make a curve that the point is sitting on to array along rather than having one that is a fair distance away from it which will involve that kind of offsetting.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4467.3 In reply to 4467.2 
Oh darn... I thought I put the point on the path also and got the scattered results... I must have had it still off the curve somehow... (tired)

Point arrays on curve as expected when point is "on path" to start...
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