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 From:  Michael Gibson
4465.4 In reply to 4465.1 
Hi Jon, also re: sharp when mirrored - if you want your elliptical arc to have that kind of sharpness when mirrored you would want to pick the points of the arc somewhere other than directly along the x or y axis directions.

For example if you draw an arc that's a full quadrant like so:

That kind of shape will be smooth when mirrored.

If you make the arc some smaller section of the ellipse instead of having the start and end at one of the quadrant points like this:

then that's the kind of a shape that will have a sharp corner if you mirror it around the x or y axis directions.

If you want just one side to be smooth and the other sharp, then put the side that you want to be smooth directly on the x or y axis direction and the other one not.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4465.5 In reply to 4465.4 
And actually the way that it works is that the ellipse that you make will actually have the ellipse axis pointing towards the direction that you click the first point in.

So when you click the first point of the elliptical arc not on a quadrant point that means that the base ellipse that you're making an arc from is a rotated ellipse.

If you want to have an arc segment from a non-rotated ellipse then you would need to draw a full ellipse and trim it to get that particular kind of elliptical arc segment.

- Michael
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