For explicite more one of the process! :) (the other will be the 3D Builder who permit to reload in one pass the 117 files obj)
From any Image (here from Flowscape see previous post for the original) we obtain a file format .vox (by FileToVox) reloaded inside MagicaVoxel
But there are a lot of Matricies (here 117) and export result = 117 files OBJ!
This is a 3D volume of voxels who can be exported as OBJ! (here will be 117 files ! )
So the tricky Merge OBJ by Michael gives in one pass a "unic" OBJ!
Here for example a render of the Unic obj File from the 3D Builder Method ;)
Here directly from an image inside free Aerialod (very speedy 2 seconds) but for the moment only format 3D is PLY
You can play with some parameters in Real Time for the 3D result!
And here from the Unic file OBJ result from the Michael Merge OBJ (it's something like 1 Giga!!! ;)
but that works! (SimLab supports my files 1 - 2 Gigas!!! ) 2 - 3 minutes waiting at the importation :)