Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)
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 From:  mkdm
4446.262 In reply to 4446.261 
@You : "..Java Script + Html ?..."

All that stuff are : WebGL + HTML5

Amazing! Some of that tools are useful also for export things in vector or 3D format that you can use in other software like Moi or any Affinity Designer.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.263 In reply to 4446.262 
Yes that cool but need to learn some new tools...
I see something like p5.js make the same but is 3 times less speed than classic Processing...
In any case amazing tools for "big heads"! :)

A cool guy :
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Cool stuff guys! Keep those links coming to keep me distracted from work. :)


— Metin


visualization • pixel art • illustration • 3D design —

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 From:  mkdm
4446.265 In reply to 4446.264 
@You "...Keep those links coming to keep me distracted from work. :)..."

LOL :)

I'm a single person company....I'm on the verge of fire myself :) :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.266 In reply to 4446.265 

I'm also a one-man company. But a little distraction between working sessions is essential to keep your concentration intact.


— Metin


visualization • pixel art • illustration • 3D design —

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 From:  mkdm
4446.267 In reply to 4446.266 
LOL :)

You're right Metin!

...the hard life of a one-man company :) :) :) :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.268 In reply to 4446.267 
Heheheh! ;)


— Metin


visualization • pixel art • illustration • 3D design —

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 From:  mkdm
Hello everyone!

Do you know "Neobarok" ?

It's author is engaged into the advanced alpha stage of version 2.0

Amazing things are around the corner...

Just a little taste :


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
PolyBrush, NeoBarok, MeshMixer...we are submerged! :)

Baffling! Remember the regreated Groboto in some aspects!

EDITED: 6 Mar 2018 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
Hi Pilou!

I apologize if I use this channel to ask you something specific, but I don't want to send PM.

Just out of curiosity : Are you still supporting the beta testing of R3F ?

Many interesting things has happened there.
In this period I've supported Istonia/Samardac with a huge testing phase, still not finished.

Now R3F has become even more a very good, low cost, companion for Moi.

It now has a very powerful "Take Snaphsot" command also with the chance to generate AO.
Ok, a very simple version of AO, but for quick image composition purposes in super high resolution (up to 16K) is more than enough.

If you want check the last post of this thread :


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.272 In reply to 4446.271 
<< Are you still supporting the beta testing of R3F

Of course yes but alas no time to use and test it for the moment! :(
I maintain the French part of the forum when a new version is stable!
I pass all days on the forum and seen the AO adventure testing... :)
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 From:  mkdm
4446.273 In reply to 4446.272 
@You ; "...Of course yes ..."

OK. Good to know!

I've decided in this period to help those guys (Istonia/Samardac) with my experience in image composition to make R3F even better.

Still work in progress... ;)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  keith1961
4446.274 In reply to 4446.224 
Hi Pilou
There is also a free plugin for older versions of PhotoShop that converts to DDS

Best wishes
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.275 In reply to 4446.274 
Cool for Toshop users but I am not user of Toshop! ;)
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
Designspark Mechanical has great filleting abilities, so it would be good to have a way to make it cooperate with Moi. But DM does not export to nurbs files (IGES or STEP) and so there is a problem in importing from there to Moi. Any solution to this problem?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.277 In reply to 4446.276 
<< problem in importing from there to Moi. Any solution to this problem?

Seems you have not seen my little post about that! ;)

Take me five minutes for refind it! ;)

Ok Refound! :)
in this marvelous thread where there another a lot of true gems! :)

You have the complete solution in French here :
"Traiter les congés récalcitrant de MOI!"

give me 10 minutes for detailed it in English :)

Ok :)

Dealing with recalcitrant fillets from Moi!
Importing a Step object into DesignSpark Mechanical V1 (DMS)

Process the difficult fillets and then send the object back to MOi!

To do this, in DesignS save in the normal DSM format (MyObject.rsdoc)

Rename to
Unzip: we have a.sab file in the SpaceClaim / Geometry folder of the dzipped folder
(in the arborescence of the folder file unziped)

Find the SabSatConverter.exe file address in the DSM directory of the original program

(in Windows to know the address of a file do Right Click + Shift on this file)
With these addresses one can fill the line of the "Windows Executor"!
You get something like that (one command line)
"C:\Program Files\DesignSpark\DesignSpark Mechanical 1.0\SabSatConverter.exe" -i "C:\Users\Desktop\MyObject.sab" -o "C:\Users\Desktop\MyObject.sat"

If it doesn't work we can try this!
You can add at the end of line -v with a parameter going from 4 to 24 for the headers of the different versions.
It seems -v 8 is the most operational!
Press Enter and the file MyObject.sat is created! Just import it into Moi!

That all : a bit tricky but working!
The key is run DesignSpark 1!!!

EDITED: 16 Apr 2018 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
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 From:  Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
I think that we do need a similar feature in Moi too (I mean the 'predictive stroke' feature of Sketchbook)! I have met its need very often: drawing a free hand curve and needing than to refine it, so that may I have a very smoothly flowing curve, but without loosing its overall shape!

Maybe there is already a way of achieving such a thing in Moi... so, if anyone knows about it let drop a related note here, it would be very helpful indeed! : - )
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Hello to everyone,

A software was reference quite sometime ago on our MOI forum that allows the user to draw a spline and it produces gradients extending off of it.
It was a specialized kind of paint program.
I don't know that it was posted particularly in this thread as such.

Might anyone remember it and perhaps post an additional link to it, please.
-- MindSet
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4446.281 In reply to 4446.280 
Any image of what do you want exactly ?
Else as free 2D paint progs
Sumo Paint (online & local), Krita

As free vectorial prog
Gravit Designer (online & local)

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