Wow, these photo enhancements impresses me.
Thanks, for your Link.
I am also always interested in such things and generative art.
Also Art and Design in general and of course admire the old Masters.
But i am not a Pro, only interested ;-)
Some infos :)
free ZPlugin for import / Export PLY pour ZBrush by Marcus Civis
Export quadrangles depuis ZBrush
5 500 faces dans MOiavec _importObj by Max Smirnov (_ImportObj 30 secondes)
Here is another tool worth mentioning.
"Sceelix" (Mac/PC/LInux) has been open source
for some time. Was sold on Steam before that.
"Scellix" is a standalone procedural generation
software in the vein of a node modeler. But don't
expect too much, it is still in an early stage.
The File contains a few examples.