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 From:  BurrMan
4441.6 In reply to 4441.5 
Never mind.. Just figured out my attachments alotment is full...

Can I buy more space? to keep from having posts that have no picure???
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4441.7 In reply to 4441.6 
Hi Burr, can you take a look at your attachments and see if there are any larger older ones that you can delete to free up some space?

Right now the limit is 50MB for each forum user, which can fit quite a lot of images but if you have uploaded large model files that can fill things up more quickly.

If you can't free up any space, it is possible to include images from other servers in your message too - for example upload your image to an image hosting service like , then get the address of the image and put it into the src="" attribute in an <img> tag in your message like this:

<img src="">

That's how you can include any image you want in your post, it doesn't only have to be an attachment for it to show up.

But attachments are convenient and if you have any old large files you can clear out usually you can fit quite a lot of images in the space that one larger model file can take up.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4441.8 In reply to 4441.7 
Archival deletion has commenced.. ETA on completion... near future.. :o
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4441.9 In reply to 4441.8 
Hi Burr, here is an updated version of the RingCircle.htm that you sent.

I think that Colin has a slightly different customized version of it though so he'll still need to post his one too for me to convert as well.

- Michael

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 From:  Colin
4441.10 In reply to 4441.4 
Hi Michael,

Here's the relevant script files in a ZIP for you.
The only major difference with my version is that I've modified the script so the British system opens as the default.

HTH, Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4441.11 In reply to 4441.10 
Hi Colin, attached here is an updated version of your custom version which should now work with v3.

- Michael

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 From:  Colin
4441.12 In reply to 4441.11 
Hi Michael,

Big Thanks for that, it's all back to working correctly.

regards Colin
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 From:  shayno
Thanks did the trick
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