V3 beta Aug-24-2011 available now
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
Selection filter is great, this will help me manage my scenes much better.
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
Just a quick question. Is this the intended scope of the new release, or can we expect to see quite a few more features introduced?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.38 In reply to 4438.33 
Hi hep - yeah it should work to use a V2 upgrade license for downloading the beta. Not sure what happened on your first attempt but I'm glad you've got it now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.39 In reply to 4438.37 
Hi Andy,

> Just a quick question. Is this the intended scope of the new
> release, or can we expect to see quite a few more features introduced?

This is just the beginning - the beta period will last for a while, maybe something like 8 more months or a year and there will be a lot more new stuff coming.

You can add your top 5 requested features to this thread here:

- Michael
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Just copied the scripts. The Pipe command fails.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.41 In reply to 4438.40 
Hi Steve,

> Just copied the scripts. The Pipe command fails.

Looks like an actual error in the script that the old script engine happened to silently ignore for some reason.

Please try the attached updated version - this new version should work in either v2 or v3 now.

In addition to the UI for v3 being on a new system, the script processing also is using a new system as well and there may be a few kinks related to that, like in this case with a slight difference in error handling making a difference to how the script was executed. It should only require minor tweaks to fix up these kinds of issues as well.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.42 In reply to 4438.40 
Also one of the other updates to the script system is a much better display of script errors - it shows the actual line of script where the error is happening and some surrounding code as well. That makes it a lot easier for me or a script author to see exactly where the script is having a problem.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Michael, thank you very much for V3 beta.

Fooling around, found a very small problem:
Attempted to install and use the FullScreen script.
Worked in V2, in scripts directory at same level as command.
It appears not to work in V3 beta.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.44 In reply to 4438.43 
Hi bemfarmer - I think that may be a slightly older FullScreen script that you've got there - that one probably doesn't work right if you've got the scene browser open in v2 (when it's in the "adjacent" mode where it is a full panel).

At one point I updated the script and the updated one should work in v3 - it's attached here.

This attached version should work in both v2 and in v3.

- Michael

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 From:  bemfarmer
4438.45 In reply to 4438.44 
Update works fine! Thank you
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 From:  Jeff (USD5000000)

MOI still doesn't know if the program is open in a visible window.

Regarding UI, I usually use a larger monitor so leaving more of the tools visible at the same time would be nice. Would save some clicking.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.47 In reply to 4438.46 
Hi Jeff,

> MOI still doesn't know if the program is open in
> a visible window.

Is this the issue from this previous thread here:
http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4244.1 ?

That's on my list of things to clean up but I haven't quite gotten to it yet, I'll probably be making a pass through my collected tune up list for the next v3 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
Hi Michael,

I wonder if it would be possible to see a preview of 3dm files while opening or importing file inside Moi and possibly while browsing with the file explorer or whatever???

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
4438.49 In reply to 4438.41 
The revised pipe script works OK. Many thanks,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.50 In reply to 4438.48 
Hi Felix,

> I wonder if it would be possible to see a preview of 3dm
> files while opening or importing file inside Moi and possibly
> while browsing with the file explorer or whatever???

Yup, that's on the wishlist and should get done eventually.

It's been hard to prioritize it compared with actual modeling functions though - for example would you have rather had the 3DM thumbnail preview instead of having the new Flow command?

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4438.51 In reply to 4438.50 
Hi Michael,

of course I prefer by far a command like Flow then a thumbnail preview. I just give my suggestions as they come.

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 From:  Sun
Excuse me if this has already been answered. I did some searching but couldn't find anything. Will there be a 64bit version of MOI V3? I'm running out of memory quite often when trying to mesh big models with V2.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.53 In reply to 4438.52 
Hi Sun, currently I don't have any plans for a 64-bit version of v3. It would take quite a lot of effort to make that happen, it involves not just MoI's core code but also getting 64-bit versions of various support libraries that MoI uses as well so altogether that's a highly time consuming project to undertake.

If you have a pretty complex model your best bet is to select some portions of it and use the File > Export command which only writes out just the selected objects instead of writing everything. Writing things out in a couple of chunks like that instead of all at once should help to avoid running out of memory.

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
Hi Michael,

In the numeric input field, the white space between the 1 2 3 button and the 0 , - button is different.
Is this intended ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4438.55 In reply to 4438.54 
Hi Paolo,

> In the numeric input field, the white space between the
> 1 2 3 button and the 0 , - button is different.
> Is this intended ?

That's not intended - it's a bug that happens if your locale uses the comma character as the decimal separator, thanks for reporting it!

I've got it fixed up now for the next beta and you can also apply the fix by copying the updated attached files over top of the previous versions in the \ui subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

- Michael

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