maya iges to MOI orientation

 From:  qibentie
as you know ,Nurbs modeling in maya is baduse, so I build a curve in maya and export iges to MOI and then export step to maya when model done in MOI. maya's up axis is Y ,when import to MOI it comes 90 degree rotate. How can I fit the up axis in MAYA and MOI?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4411.2 In reply to 4411.1 
Hi qibentie, there is a moi.ini setting that may help you - go to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button.

Find this section:

[NURBS Import]

Switch that to say =y and then the IGES import into MoI will automatically be rotated.

Also a different way than that is to use the Transform > Orient > View to view which can quickly rotate things by 90 degrees between 2 views. To do it that way, select all your objects and run the command, then inside the Front view for the first pick, and click inside the Top view for the second pick and things will get rotated.

- Michael
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 From:  qibentie
4411.3 In reply to 4411.2 
thanks Michael, it really work.
and another problerm is when i export step from MOI to MAYA the "Nurbs export option" does not have an option like turn z-up to y up. the obj export option has.
but it does't matter, I just turn -90 degree on x-axis in maya or use the second ways you told me and it's all OK.
and I hope there is an option to set y-up or z-up system in MOI, men always get lazy, haha.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4411.4 In reply to 4411.3 
Hi qibentie, there is also an option to relabel the axis directions in MoI - for that go to Options > View > Axis labels.

Using that dialog you can set whatever you want for the axis direction labels, like y for elevation or whatever. But it will only change how coordinates are displayed to you and how x,y,z entered coordinates are interpreted, it won't change file reading or writing.

- Michael
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