Moi and Ubuntu
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 From:  TpwUK
4409.84 In reply to 4409.83 
Thanks Danny, I don't mind tweaking and playing with the guts of OS's - I have been around computers for a long time (Yawn), things might be native to an OS but you generally find you still need to tweak things here and there to get the best from them. But I do expect an artistic tool to be quick and easy to learn. Rhino was like that, but it just feels as if it's loosing its way. Alias is like way too expensive and the learning curve isn't even a curve if you know what I mean. I was trying out MOI but sadly my partner suffered a severe brain injury and I never got to finish my trial period, however the little time I got to play impressed me quiet a lot, a single person development showing a consistent logic to the tools and just being able to play and find things was fun but intuitive.

Thanks for the render engine - I scoured the net last night and found several multi-platform ones so I am going to try some over the next few days and see how they work out.

Many thanks to you all

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  SurlyBird

Just for fun, I recently revived a 10-year-old PC by installing Linux on it (Ubuntu 13.10 running lxde or xfce depending on how I am feeling at the moment). I had a few display driver shenanigans to sort out early on to get anything to run acceptably, but overall it's been a smooth transition. One of the biggest tests (and a major win, in my opinion) is to see if I can run MoI using WINE. I am happy to report that with my first try, I launched MoI and it runs really well - definitely usable in a production environment.

Performance has been so good, my goal now is to repeat the process on my wife's old Dell laptop which has been gathering cobwebs. It's pretty fun to breathe new life into old hardware and to actually make it useful and productive again.

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 From:  SteveD
4409.86 In reply to 4409.85 
Thanks for the report SurlyBird.

I recently installed Linux Mint 13 on a low cost Acer laptop. MoI runs well under Wine on that system too.

- Steve
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I have Xubuntu on a very old PC latop just for the Net and kow absolutly nothing about Linux...
What does I must install for running Moi on this config ?
And this necessary need many memory more? I have just 256 Megas ram !

Moi works very fine on the XP part! :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.88 In reply to 4409.87 
Hi Pilou,

> What does I must install for running Moi on this config ?

You have to install a program called "Wine" which can then let you run Windows programs on your Linux machine.

But if your laptop is very old you may have some difficulty getting OpenGL drivers to work very well on it. Also 256MB is a pretty small amount of system RAM, it's fairly likely that you will run out pretty easily.

So I'd say chances are not too good on a such a very old machine like that.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4409.89 In reply to 4409.88 
so okay I will not test that! :)
The xp partition is suficient for run MOi with pleasure! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
I know this thread is kind of old, but it seemed the appropriate place for this question.

I've been using Rhino for a few years and really like it; in fact it's the one thing that's holding me back from getting rid of Windows completely. That said, I've been looking for an alternative off and on that I can run in Linux. I downloaded the trial of MoI (Windows v2.0) and I have to say it's really nice. I think it could replace Rhino for almost all of what I need it to do, and I'm thinking I might just take the plunge now that I'm reading it works well under Wine.

My question is regarding video cards -- my laptop is a Thinkpad with Intel HD4000 (I believe, it's either that or HD5000) graphics. Has anyone tried running MoI v3 on a similar setup under Wine in Linux, and how does it work? I don't want to buy it only to find out that I can't actually use it on my computer under Linux.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.91 In reply to 4409.90 
Hi Dan, I don't remember specifically hearing anything about someone running on that particular video card, so I can't be sure right now if it will work or not. It all depends on the quality of the graphics driver.

You may need to wait until the v3 trial version is out so that you could test it yourself before you will know if it will work or not.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
4409.92 In reply to 4409.91 

Thanks for the quick response. Is there a projected release date for the v3 trial yet?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.93 In reply to 4409.92 
Hi Dan, I don't have any specific date set for sure yet, but I'm hoping it won't be too long. Maybe something like the end of the month if all goes well.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
4409.94 In reply to 4409.93 
Oh, that's great. I thought it might still be far off into the future. I will keep my eyes on it for sure.
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
4409.95 In reply to 4409.93 
Just because I'm impatient, I tried to run the v2 trial under Wine, and it actually works great! All I had to do was set up a new 32-bit wineprefix (actually, I'm not sure if the 32-bit was necessary) and install IE8 through winetricks. I've been playing around with it and haven't found any real issues, plus it runs nice and smoothly. So apparently Intel HD4000 graphics is fine. Can't wait for v3. :)

By the way, the model in the screenshot was something I did a few years ago in Rhino 4.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4409.96 In reply to 4409.95 
Nice one!
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 From:  fleetfoot


I installed Moi V3 on Ubuntu 14.04 using Wine 1.7 on an older 32bit Dell Latitude D830 Laptop. It installs and runs, but the fonts are not displaying correctly. They appear as if a white layer is overlaying on top of a black text layer.
I don't know how to post a screenshot here but thought I'd just ask if anyone is familiar with this issue?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.98 In reply to 4409.97 
Hi Fleetfoot, is it the same thing shown in this post here? :

It seems to be a bug in recent versions of Wine, looks like something to do with text anti-aliasing.

You could probably avoid it by using an older version of Wine, see here for some links to setting that up:

- Michael
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 From:  fleetfoot
4409.99 In reply to 4409.98 
Thanks for the reply Michael.
Actually what I'm seeing is worse than that:

It looks like a black font being overlayed with a white font.

The rest of it seems to work ok though.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.100 In reply to 4409.99 
Hi Fleetfoot, hmmm yeah that looks pretty weird. Probably something to do with the same area of Wine that was causing the previous problem though.

If you can get a build of wine-1.4.1 going and run MoI under that wine-1.4.1 prefix instead of the current version that would probably work better.

- Michael
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 From:  fleetfoot
4409.101 In reply to 4409.100 
Thanks Michael. I'll see what I can do. If I find a good solution I'll post another message here later in case anyone else encounters this effect.
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
So, for what it's worth, the fonts don't look strange for me anymore. I switched from Linux Mint Cinnamon to Linux Mint XFCE, reinstalled PlayOnLinux, and now everything is fine with the default version of wine (before I had to go to 1.4.1 to avoid blocky-looking fonts). I also tried 1.6.2, which was giving me problems before, and that one works fine too. So, I don't know if that's really helpful for anyone, but at least it's working for me.
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
4409.103 In reply to 4409.101 
A year later, I think I've found the definitive solution to this text rendering issue without having to resort to an old version of Wine. If you look at the Wine FAQ (, section 10.12.6, there is a blurb about missing or corrupt text with QT applications. The fix is to apply a registry edit as described in the FAQ. Put the following in a file (e.g. norender.txt):

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]

and then run WINEPREFIX=/path/to/MoI/base/wine/directory regedit norender.txt

This sounds like it changes the font-rendering method. This fixed the problem for me on Wine 1.7.50.
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