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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
4409.103 In reply to 4409.101 
A year later, I think I've found the definitive solution to this text rendering issue without having to resort to an old version of Wine. If you look at the Wine FAQ (, section 10.12.6, there is a blurb about missing or corrupt text with QT applications. The fix is to apply a registry edit as described in the FAQ. Put the following in a file (e.g. norender.txt):

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]

and then run WINEPREFIX=/path/to/MoI/base/wine/directory regedit norender.txt

This sounds like it changes the font-rendering method. This fixed the problem for me on Wine 1.7.50.
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 From:  kevjon
4409.104 In reply to 4409.99 
I just installed v3.0 on Mint 19 and had the exact same problem as fleetfoot, it looked exactly the same.

I solved it by installing the component Mono210 with playonlinux.

Everything seems to look and run fine now.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4409.105 In reply to 4409.104 
Hi Kevin,

> I solved it by installing the component Mono210 with playonlinux.

MoI doesn't actually need any .NET / Mono stuff itself but probably your installation had a side effect of setting a Wine setting as described above:

- Michael
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