Make It With MoI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Split the octane discussion/flame war stuff out of this thread into a separate one.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Hi Mike, so I split off those other messages so you can have this thread back for discussing your stuff - feel free to start a new one if you want to as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.88 In reply to 4388.87 
Thanks Michael, was starting to wonder if that was possible. ;-)

Man! I had a doozie of a model about ready yesterday, but a work project required a PC re-boot. ...I'll just have to make it better this time.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
LOL! :-) After a long day of flame wars and dirty mouths - it's time for a little oral hygiene!

This following tutorial builds a toothbrush and tube or toothpaste, ready to fight bad breath, plaque and gingivitis...

Create side view center rail for brush handle sweep:

The shape of the handle's body axis. Use a box with rounded corners:

Also, create a side profile for the scaling rail from the top view:

Perform Sweep. Rounded rectangle sits outside of sweep bounds. Use scaling rail:

Smooth the "capped ends" with a Fillet: (If it lets you ;-) )

Extrude a circle to make a bristle:

Array to make copies:

Boolean Trim to make that modern looking cut:

Array, Mirror and Scale to create the bristle grouping:

Use the Rotate command to position the bristle group. Click at one point on the brush head, click at a flat extension for reference, then click a lower spot on the handle:

Good then... hide the bristles, they're intensive on the display:

Make the center rail to express the motion of the toothpaste tube from top to bottom:

Rings are created, copied and positioned to best describe the tube's features:

I've created in one view and then in another, drag them to their positions...

Scale and position them, keeping in mind what the side and forward thicknesses of the tube do:

Check for general shape...

Sweep... Notice that the top transitions too smoothly...

I did a Boolean Trim to cut the top portion, and re-used the profile rings - or edge curves - to rebuild a sharp shape using Loft:

Join the sections and Fillet to liking:

A little work to form the opening...

Make the cap-screw spiral. Since the end is tapered, use a combination of reference construction lines and the Tapering feature of the Spiral tool to make a spiral that matches the end:

Profile shapes often get "twisted" on the rail path... Placing the profiles in the path, and along the path will yield control...

Trim the sweep to have left, only what you need... Again, it seems that using a combo of Merge and Copy/Undo/Paste was the ticket, as the Trim feature failed here...

Create the cap profile... Make a box, Circular Array it, Union:

Go to town with Loft, Extrude and Fillet to make the cap...

Made a few profile curves to make some paste to place on the brush... One of those "crumpled paper" accidents - But hmmm... if kinda added to it's realism... I like it.

And here you have it! - It's really late - Brush your teeth and go to bed!

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 From:  BurrMan
4388.90 In reply to 4388.89 
Hi Magic,

""""""""""Create the cap profile... Make a box, Circular Array it, Union:""""""""""

Polygon-Star-Style Custom.

Nice model!
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.91 In reply to 4388.90 
> Polygon-Star-Style Custom.

WOW! Thanks Burr - Just when I thought I figured out all of MoI's features, something new (I missed over) pops up!
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
4388.92 In reply to 4388.91 
Yeah - I didn't know about it either. Just got done playing with it.

I like these kind of auto-magic tools. I thought I saw a MoI watch makers gear script at one time too.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4388.93 In reply to 4388.92 
Hi Ed, there was a plugin that Petr made for doing gears:

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.94 In reply to 4388.92 

MoI - Perfect.


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