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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4388.27 In reply to 4388.25 
Oh okay Burr, I get it now :) and yes you're correct it is very similar to a Tupperware container.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
...this container was more inspired by the much cheaper Glad-Ware. ;-)

This is a tail light and bumper assemble of an RV:

I had to stop myself from continuing through the night, lest I accidentally finish the entire RV with no way to save the file! :-o
(I should look into the studied addiction rates for using MoI.)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4388.29 In reply to 4388.28 
Remember this crazzy guy with Sketchup and his retro futurist cars! (9 pages ! )
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Magic -

Can't save? You don't have a licensed copy?

Man - we need to take up a collection and buy you a copy in return for these mini-tutorials.

The container lid gave me an idea for creating a background to use with my jewelry.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.31 In reply to 4388.29 
Speak of the devil, Pilou! :-0

"Ixlrlxi" ("600V") and his strange retro cars is the reason why I'm here today!

I was looking for inspiration for a tee-shirt design that I was working on and needed pics of old cars - and I found one of his blogs.

He made 3D design look too easy, whipping these shiny cars up in SketchUp. And he told me he uses no plug-ins, just the native tools.

So I've spent the last two years trying my hand at many different trials of 3D design software.

I didn't get very far with 3Ds Max, and Rhino was too tricky at the time, with too much need for use of the command line.

SketchUp showed a lot of promise and a good community to offer solutions. It is still a worthy investment.

MoI however, has simply opened a huge door and I've realized that there is something satisfying about mechanical and product design that NURBS lends itself too.

So yes, that guy with the cars showed me that I can design in the third dimension.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.32 In reply to 4388.30 
Ed, the suggestion flatters me! :-)

I'm a long-time tee-shirt designer ::see::
with a wife and five kids, so extra spending money is a very rare nicety.

Michael G. deserves every penny and more for this awesome app and his help. I've known guys in various fields to charge more than that alone just for half and hour of consultation and Michael graciously does that for free plus shows examples!

Not too many companies will let you practice as much as your heart desires with there stuff - Max wouldn't let me back on after 30 days, and all I could do was 'sigh'.
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 From:  BurrMan
4388.33 In reply to 4388.32 
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.34 In reply to 4388.33 
QSL & 73 WH6DBS, DE K4ICY... ;-)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4388.35 In reply to 4388.31 
Yes russian guy works with rustic tools but with a terrific skill!
And renders are also very good!

For the fun you can see this plug that I have very solicitated to the Ruby guys guru ::)
Seems to me a cool thing for fill empty space with no periodic geomety ;) Replace random Components
(you must sign up for see images)

Moi is the Sketchup of the Nurbs ;)
Michael gives to me also a cool method with Moi but of course not so simple that the SU plugins ;)

Ps Your site is cool and I see that you use :)
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 From:  Rudl
Also Russian women are not to be sniffed at. ;)

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.37 In reply to 4388.35 
Never did learn the Russian guy's name. For a while there, he would produce one car model every day! It was amazing.

I think I've played around with that plug-in before. Components let you change all instances of them later if you like, a good thing about SU.

Yes, I've been known to use a little CW (Morse). :-)

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 From:  BurrMan
4388.38 In reply to 4388.34 
Hi Magic,
I have no equipment and have been out of it for awhile...I had never made any contact with only a handheld looking for tropospheric ducting. Maybe some day when my kids get older...

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.39 In reply to 4388.38 
Hey Burr,
With your kids still young, it's the perfect time! ;-)
I'm the coordinator in my town for my club's yearly Field Day and the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air. Kid's eat that stuff up, as do their parents when they see their youngin's at the microphone.
But if you ever get the interest again, local clubs are the best way to get reacquainted. I know there are a few in your area, because I've made the long skip a couple of times to a few King Henry's!
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 From:  Ambimind
4388.40 In reply to 4388.20 
"That would be neat to see."

Very short video which shows the essential difference in our methods:
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4388.41 In reply to 4388.40 
Cool video Ambimind!

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.42 In reply to 4388.40 

Thanks Ambimind! It amazing to discover new things about MoI (even ones that were there already).
First, (What?) Somewhere, I missed the fact that you could input commands in the data box below...
I might have read about, but you just have to see things in action to remember they're there sometimes.
Second, neat to know what you can do with the combination of using multiple profiles in a Loft along with history.
I've got to give that a try.

...And just discovered that the order of profile object selection is followed in the loft.

EDITED: 26 Jul 2011 by MAJIKMIKE

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Message 4388.43 deleted 26 Jul 2011 by MAJIKMIKE

 From:  Michael Gibson
4388.44 In reply to 4388.42 
Hi Mike,

> First, (What?) Somewhere, I missed the fact that you could
> input commands in the data box below...

Yup, type tab first to put focus into that xyz control, and then it is possible to type in a command name and press Enter to run that command. Also if you type in the name of a named object there it will select it.

And of course if you're in a drawing command that is asking you for a point there is a variety of point input that you can enter there as well, see:

> ...And just discovered that the order of profile object
> selection is followed in the loft.

Yup, if you have selected the profiles by individual clicks on each profile, the order that you clicked on them will be taken as the order they are lofted between. If you do something else like window select them then MoI will try to figure out the order automatically - if they're on parallel planes it will sort them by distance along that plane normal.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.45 In reply to 4388.40 
Now that was pretty easy!

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 From:  Ambimind
Glad you found it useful guys.

Mike said : "It amazing to discover new things about MoI (even ones that were there already)"
I thought the same thing when, after reading your latest mini-tut, I discovered the 'Revolve by profile tool', which I had never even noticed - and is a huge time saver since it avoids duplicating and placing multiple profiles, when achieving the same effect with the Rail tool.

Regarding command input: I use it all the time with "rebuild" and "merge" - the former especially, because MOI still has a few hiccups when it comes to chamfering, lofting, blending compound-surfaces.
Rebuild, with "keep corners" disabled is also a great alternative to chamfering curves, although I wish point placement was more adaptive to reduce point counts and corners did not need constant fixing:

EDITED: 26 Jul 2011 by AMBIMIND


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