Make It With MoI
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Hold on to your pop!

This one really scared me...
I first started with an inspired image in my mind's eye, and wondered if it could be done with MoI.

It's a soda pop bottle made primarily from one Network mesh. No kidding!

It's real easy with MoI to simply draw a profile then use the Revolve tool to make bottles.
But instead...LOL... I wanted smooth flutes with a slight spiral on the bottle's surface and dimples to boot.
And everything had to blend smoothly... (Want MoI to do what?)

I'll post the tutorial later...

I'd love to see this rendered in glass with orange soda inside, caustics and all.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.14 In reply to 4388.13 
Bottles are often a tricky thing to model, especially if they have unique shapes built in.

This particular type works really well with rendering glass materials.
It has an inside surface to add thickness from the outside.

Refinements can be made throughout the process to achieve more accurate results.
Case in point: the flutes on the bottom half should have been more pronounced. And there is too much undulation in the above portion of the bottle.

Not bad at all for mastering this type of Network mesh modeling.

Here are my steps:

1) In side view - created a profile out of one long Control Points Freeform curve. If you stop along the way, that will become a seam or line at least.
The Through Points spline has its use, especially when you are tracing and in need of more expressive curves, but I'm used to the control factors in working with the Bezier type curves. Either is fine.

2) I created a Spiral from the base of the bottle. This spiral was really a slow moving curve. I used something like 0.2 revolutions.
It was only used for reference.

3) I grabbed the top points on the bottle above where I wanted to rotate the profile. To fit the motion of the flutes, I went to Top view and rotated the selected top points until it was in the ballpark of the spiral displacement.

4) Next, in different views, the points along the spiral flute area were moved to match the ascent of the spiral curve.
I temporarily used a Revolve of the profile to adjust the points so that the shape of the bottle was maintained.
As the profile was rotated off-plane and matched to the spiral curve, it was essentially re-flattened out to the radial sweep of the spiral curve.
Thus, the Revolve helped as a visual check.

5) The vertical profiles were rotated and copied to four quadrants to define the ascent of the mesh network.

6) Profile circles were created, copied and moved up to match the side profiles. Somehow, the Network mesh knows to use the closest rings that reside along the path.
NOTE::: To keep the proportions of a planar object from the side view (where it appears flat): With the axis icon centered, grab the corner handle.
Make sure that your cursor is above or out in the corner area of the corner handle. This will scale in X and Y directions while all you see is Z.
When the cursor is snapped in a Straight path, a 1-D scaling will occur in only the side-to-side direction.

7) As the Network averages the positions of the profiles, try to get the rings as close as possible to the side profile lines.
Since I rotated the side profiles out of kilter above the flute area, I had to rotate everything in order to match the profile rings accurately.
Otherwise, you might end up matching the profiles at the wrong angle and the whole thing behaves funny. (I did that)

8) I copied a profile ring. Once I created a shape to represent the fluted area, I did a Rotational Array copy around the center.
Then I trimmed them from the large ring with Boolean Trim.

9) Grab all the points in the newly trimmed ring and perform a round Fillet. This is the profile of the fluted area.

10) Use the same Spiral curve and perform an Array to Path with the flute profile. 11) Place the stack that now has a twist to it in the center of the bottle.

11) I created a reference Arc. 12) Sized the flute profile rings to follow suit. 13) And performed a Network mesh to the whole set of profiles, rings and side shapes.

14) I created an Rotational Array copy of some spheres for the area I wanted the dimples to be on the bottle wall.
I performed a Directional Array on the set of twelve and scaled them down until all spheres slightly sank into the bottle surface.

15) I Boolean Trimmed the spheres from the bottle surface.
NOTE: This happens more than I want, but I often end up with holes instead of the intersecting side of the trim objects.
I find that you can use the Boolean Merge to get the parts you want. Copy those and Undo to get back to where you can do the Trim again.
Paste the objects back in place and Join them.

16) Perform a round Fillet on the crater edge curves.
NOTE: The Fillet will most likely not work (Again?... No... Heaven forbid!) if there are intersecting curves on the path.
I found out that the profile curve that is found on one half of a sphere was transferring to the trimmed surface.
I had to back track and ensured that that line wasn't going into the trim area.
- Then the Fillets worked!

17) Finally, the cap-screw. Using the points on top for snap reference, I created a spiral. I used different views to set the points.
I made a profile shape and 18) edited the curve so that the profile would start and end inside of the bottle surface.
19) I then did a Sweep on a small wedge profile to create the cap-screw.

20) Very nice... I didn't know this was possible at first, and I was worried that there would be something that wasn't possible, like the dimple creation. I managed to sneak in an edit every so often through the day and my PC played nice, so I got to finish this without having to start over. Increment Saving is recommended!
This was thirsty work!

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4388.15 In reply to 4388.14 
Very cool Mike, thanks for sharing.

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 From:  Paul (WWWPAUL)
4388.16 In reply to 4388.14 
awesome work !
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Coca or Pepsi ? ;)
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Thanks guys!!

...why Coke, of course. ;-)
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 From:  Ambimind
4388.19 In reply to 4388.14 
Great use of the network tool! I did a similar thing recently, by first revolving the gross form of the bottle -> trimming the area where the undulating-twisting form should be -> lofted 3 profiles and after completing the command, rotating each profile, with history, to create the twisting effect -> Finally I used blend to connect all the pieces.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.20 In reply to 4388.19 
That would be neat to see.

My mind was a little frizzled today - So this was more of a "free-association" piece. No purpose or procedure, it started out as something else and ended up as this.
Did a few Sweeps and went crazy with the Boolean tools.

It's a strange looking death torpedo:

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
What I brought my lunch in today...

1) I made the profile of the lid and bowl from the side (to the center), then the ring profile of the container shape from the top.
2) I did a Revolve by Rail with the side profile along the ring to create the basic shapes.
3) To make the bottom shape (the step in) I created the wave shape that wrapped around the bowl.
Took two copies and lofted them together, so I trimmed that from the bowl.
Actually, Boolean Trim did not work - it kept making the bottom half disappear even though "keep" was on, but Merge worked for some reason.
4) I moved the bottom section lower and scaled it in a little. The new gap was filled in with four Blends (thanks to curve Merge).
5) Added the tab.

...simple exercise.

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 From:  BurrMan
4388.22 In reply to 4388.21 
I wonder if Danny made it first!!! lol

EDITED: 25 Jul 2011 by BURRMAN

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4388.23 In reply to 4388.22 
I don't get it Burr......

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.24 In reply to 4388.22 

Was that a compliment? ;-)
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 From:  BurrMan
4388.25 In reply to 4388.24 
Sorry. Poor communication on my part.. Tried to make a joke.

I was under the impression that Danny did Plastic injection moulds for a large maufacturer of these types of things.. So made reference to the one sitting on your desk being modeled orginally by someone here in the forum!!! But I dont really know and it came off wierd..

The model made here was very nice. ;)

And Danny is a good modeler too. :o
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.26 In reply to 4388.25 
Thanks ;-)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4388.27 In reply to 4388.25 
Oh okay Burr, I get it now :) and yes you're correct it is very similar to a Tupperware container.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
...this container was more inspired by the much cheaper Glad-Ware. ;-)

This is a tail light and bumper assemble of an RV:

I had to stop myself from continuing through the night, lest I accidentally finish the entire RV with no way to save the file! :-o
(I should look into the studied addiction rates for using MoI.)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4388.29 In reply to 4388.28 
Remember this crazzy guy with Sketchup and his retro futurist cars! (9 pages ! )
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Magic -

Can't save? You don't have a licensed copy?

Man - we need to take up a collection and buy you a copy in return for these mini-tutorials.

The container lid gave me an idea for creating a background to use with my jewelry.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.31 In reply to 4388.29 
Speak of the devil, Pilou! :-0

"Ixlrlxi" ("600V") and his strange retro cars is the reason why I'm here today!

I was looking for inspiration for a tee-shirt design that I was working on and needed pics of old cars - and I found one of his blogs.

He made 3D design look too easy, whipping these shiny cars up in SketchUp. And he told me he uses no plug-ins, just the native tools.

So I've spent the last two years trying my hand at many different trials of 3D design software.

I didn't get very far with 3Ds Max, and Rhino was too tricky at the time, with too much need for use of the command line.

SketchUp showed a lot of promise and a good community to offer solutions. It is still a worthy investment.

MoI however, has simply opened a huge door and I've realized that there is something satisfying about mechanical and product design that NURBS lends itself too.

So yes, that guy with the cars showed me that I can design in the third dimension.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4388.32 In reply to 4388.30 
Ed, the suggestion flatters me! :-)

I'm a long-time tee-shirt designer ::see::
with a wife and five kids, so extra spending money is a very rare nicety.

Michael G. deserves every penny and more for this awesome app and his help. I've known guys in various fields to charge more than that alone just for half and hour of consultation and Michael graciously does that for free plus shows examples!

Not too many companies will let you practice as much as your heart desires with there stuff - Max wouldn't let me back on after 30 days, and all I could do was 'sigh'.
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