Selecting multi segment edge and more
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4373.2 In reply to 4373.1 
For edges on volumes
There is yet Loop selection segment
script:/*Loop selection*/moi.geometryDatabase.selectLoop();
Select 2 segments(one segment + the red one folowing) than call this script by a Shortcut so on your case all segments on the same plan of the table will be selected ;)
So the round of the table :)

EDITED: 8 Jul 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Thanks Pilou - Handy script!

Tried it out and the loop script seems to only work if the associated (looped) curve sections reside on a shared plane.

Perhaps the loops that are not being selected for me with this script have some sort of planar discontinuity to them.

Future software development ;-) could perhaps implement an angular tolerance so that loops around irregular solids could be selected. (good idea?)

None the less, this will be very useful.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4373.4 In reply to 4373.1 
Hi Felix, for some more information on that select loop script that Pilou showed, see here:

The way it works it that you need to select 2 consecutive edges on the particular loop that you want before triggering the script - that's how it knows which of the faces it should follow to make the selection. Some more explanation in the above links.

> It would be nice also to be able to kind of "join" or "merge" these
> connected segments as a single edge (not a regular joined copy)

You can merge some kinds of edges with the Merge command ( but that's only for merging edges in places where only 2 edge fragments from the same trimming boundary loop are touching each other smoothly.

You can't merge together edges that also belong to numerous different face trimming boundaries like in your case here - edges fundamentally are things that belong to a face trimming boundary.

> and maybe give it a name separate from the solid if needed.

This part you can do anyway though - once you build up your selection of edges you can assign them all the same name (click on the name line in the properties panel) and then an entry will show up in the Objects section of the scene browser where you'll be able to hide or select them all as a group.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4373.5 In reply to 4373.3 
Hi Mike,

> Tried it out and the loop script seems to only work if the
> associated (looped) curve sections reside on a shared plane.
> Perhaps the loops that are not being selected for me with this
> script have some sort of planar discontinuity to them.

The way that script works is that it targets the trimming boundary of a face for selection - it doesn't particularly matter if they are all planar or not, it's whether all the edges belong to one common face whether that particular face is curved or planar.

But joined edges belong to 2 faces so to identify which one you want to follow you need to select 2 consecutive initial edges on the loop that you want to select, that makes it able to identify which one it is supposed to follow - see the above links for some more explanation.

In the future I do want to work on some additional chain selection methods as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Thanks Michael!

I'm already pretty happy that I no longer have to line up the view precisely just to try to marquee a loop of numerous edge segments.

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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4373.7 In reply to 4373.6 
Thanks all,

sorry for my late reply, I had to go out.

The script works just fine for me. I search for this on the forum but I wasn't searching for the proper key words.

Thanks again,
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