Hi Felix,
> will this kind of control be controllable itself.
It will be focused on controlling alignment of the UV directions between each surface - but the transformation effect will still be to map from one whole surface to the other whole surface. Like you were mentioning trying to do something more than that would bring about quite a lot of complexity.
> when what I really wanted is to have the result right in the middle?
Well, in "stretch" mode for the curve to curve flow you just position your object in the middle of the base line and that will then map to the middle region of your target curve as well.
For the non-stretch mode it will map things by distance traveled along the curve, so to get a lot of control over the placement you could do something like create a line that had a length equal to the length of the target curve and then centering your objects to transform on that line would give you the effect that you need.
You can set up a script to measure the length of a curve here:
In the future I expect to make that easier to get at without a script being necessary, on some kind of extended properties dialog but for now that script is a way you can determine it.
- Michael