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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.21 In reply to 4363.20 
Hi Danny,

> I tend to think a filter reset button might be the go

The question is, where would I put a button like that?

Right now one nice features of this filtering system is that it can just be completely ignored by anybody who has no interest in filtering, and it does not take up any extra UI space or anything like that if it's not used...

Things like a permanent extra button means that some beginning user who just wants to do simple things and doesn't need to do any filtering will pay some price in UI complexity for something that they don't use. That's the kind of thing I'm trying hard to avoid.

If you make a mistake with a selection, you can also do Ctrl+Z to revert to the previous selection - that works for any kind of selection mistake, while pressing escape to do that only works if you're starting from an empty selection.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4363.22 In reply to 4363.21 
Hi Michael,

Ctrl+Z is okay I guess, only it's a two button combo and sometimes you have to look down at the keyboard to locate them, where the Esc key is a known extreme top left button that you go by feel.
I was thinking more like a small button as you show for the indicator and filter in your examples, maybe appearing close by when you turn the filters on, that's one suggestion.

In turning on the filter with the Ctrl modifier does that go for turning it off also ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.23 In reply to 4363.22 
Hi Danny,

> only it's a two button combo and sometimes you have to look
> down at the keyboard to locate them, where the Esc key is a
> known extreme top left button that you go by feel.

Yeah but hopefully you're not routinely making selection mistakes on every single action - when it's something that you have to do only once every 10 minutes, that extra split second glance does not amount to a significant problem, as opposed to needing to do it every 5 seconds or something like that...

The problem is that having a selection filter active is going to disable a whole lot of regular selection actions from working, so I think it's something that should be convenient to clear. That's the idea for the escape key handling anyway.

> maybe appearing close by when you turn the filters on, that's one suggestion.

But where close by - there isn't a whole lot of room to put buttons in there - do you mean popping up an extra button that eats into the text area of the line?

> In turning on the filter with the Ctrl modifier does that go for
> turning it off also ?

Yup, Ctrl + click on it again will also work for turning it off, so that's another reason why putting an extra button right next to it to do the same thing would be kind of odd.

The problem with only using Ctrl+click to turn it off again is that means you have to go back to that item again before you can go ahead and do normal modeling and normal selection again. For example say you want to select all red curves - to do that you can go set a filter on style = red, then go to the Curves entry under the Types section of the scene browser (which may involve scrolling if you have a lot of styles), and using the selection control there to select curves with that other filter in effect. Then once you're done with that particular action you'll still be stuck only being able to select red things so if you want to do anything else other than that you'd need to scroll back to the red style again and unset the filter there before being able to do regular selection - the escape key shortcut would save you that last step of having to go back to your style and unset the filter manually.

This is kind of based on the idea that filters are something you set up to help you make a particular difficult one shot selection instead of something that you would leave on for an extended period of time. Maybe that's not correct and you'll want to leave them on for an extended period, let me know if that seems to be the case once you use them.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4363.24 In reply to 4363.23 
I think I'll wait for you to release the V3 beta before I make any more assumptions, the best thing is to try it out and get a feel for it instead of trying to imagine how it would be in the workflow.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.25 In reply to 4363.24 
Hi Danny, so one thing I have to decide is whether filtering should only limit selections to the filtered items or whether it should limit both selection and deselection actions.

Or would it be better to have deselections still work without restriction even when a filter is in place?

Any guess on this part?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
On what is the Filter ?
Names ? Visible/no visible? Alphabetic: Normal / Inverse...
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.27 In reply to 4363.26 
Hi Pilou - the filter is a state that you can set on a scene browser item. Once it is set it will limit selection so that only objects that match that item will be selected.

So for example - set a filter on Style = Red. now when you click in the viewport or do any other selection method it will only select things that have style = red.

You'll be able to use this in combination with other selection methods - for example set a filter on Style = Red and then go to the Types section and select curves - only red curves will get selected due to the filter being active.

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
Any chance circular selection method makes it into v.3?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.29 In reply to 4363.28 
Hi Grendel - it's possible but it's not particularly high on the radar since circular selection hasn't really been mentioned very often as far as I remember.

If it's an important feature for you, put it on the Top 5 feature request list for v3 thread here:

Would you expect it to select things only entirely inside the circle or anything that touches the circle? Or would it be for selecting control points only?

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.30 In reply to 4363.29 
""""""""Would you expect it to select things only entirely inside the circle or anything that touches the circle? Or would it be for selecting control points only?""""

Personally I have looked for this when doing point editing.
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 From:  Grendel
I would use it either to select inside or outside depending on the situation. I honestly do not use a lot of control point editing as I lean toward more mechanical things than organic product type stuff.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.32 In reply to 4363.31 
Hi Grendel,

> I would use it either to select inside or outside depending on the situation.

Could you describe a bit more about what you mean by selecting the outside? Instead of selecting everything to the outside, would it work to do a select all and then do a deselect with a circle selection tool to remove selection of things inside the circle?

Basically for regular selection of full objects there are 2 choices - should only objects that are completely contained within the circle be selected, or should any object that touches the circle even partially be selected?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4363.33 In reply to 4363.32 
So a circular selection right to left touching or left to right strict similar rectangle selection existing ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.34 In reply to 4363.33 
Hi Pilou, well probably a circular selection would be done with the first point at the center, not quite corner-to-corner like the regular rectangular selection.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4363.35 In reply to 4363.25 
Hi Michael,

> so one thing I have to decide is whether filtering
> should only limit selections to the filtered items or
> whether it should limit both selection and deselection actions.

I'd always expect both selection and deselection, that's because all the other CAD programs I've used throughout my career work this way, the only difference between these and MoI is that the other programs use a modifier key with the mouse click to deselect.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4363.36 In reply to 4363.34 
Yes :)
point the center then go to the Left = all touching the circular surface is selected
point the center then go to the Right = all inside the circular surface is selected

A circular 3D Selection? So a sphere selection ;)
Same above 2D Selection : just second click is Z Left/ Right selection
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.37 In reply to 4363.36 
Hi Pilou,

> point the center then go to the Left = all touching the circular surface is selected
> point the center then go to the Right = all inside the circular surface is selected

Unfortunately this leaves the starting at the center and going straight up or down as indeterminate... That's kind of different with a rectangular selection since a corner-to-corner rectangle straight up or down is a degenerate flat line, but that's not the case with a circle.

So I'm not so sure that the same left/right mechanism fits quite as well with a circle from center point.... Maybe.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.38 In reply to 4363.37 
The circle could be a corner to corner also.. And a modifier key would constrain a perfect circle.. So "elliptical" selection also!!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4363.39 In reply to 4363.37 
< So I'm not so sure that the same left/right mechanism fits quite as well with a circle from center point.... Maybe
Why not : )
Seems a click center point + second click give all possibilities: circular surfaces or Spheres :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Grendel
I was thinking

Select center point
drag for diameter
arrows bracket the circle line inside and out
click inner to select inside circle, click outer to select outside

the circle would affect anything inside or touching....or outside and touching if an outside selection is needed
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