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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.142 In reply to 4363.140 
Hi Mike,

> If you wanted to put type on two surfaces at one like
> that penguin's belly, could one just cut the type on
> the plane in two representative sections and wrap them
> on the two respective surfaces?

Yeah that would probably work.

> Is there some measure to control on where things line up
> and are positioned once processed?

It's controlled by the position of the object inside of the base plane.

For example - position the object so that it touches the edge of the base plane, then the morphed result will touch the edge of the target surface after it is processed.

Position the object in the center of the base plane, and it would go in the center of the target surface, etc...

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4363.143 In reply to 4363.142 
Very good! :-)
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
4363.144 In reply to 4363.143 
Hi Micheal, flow looks awesome!

It's great to see you're back to work on the functions.
Some cool modeling time on the forecast!

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 From:  NightCabbage
Oh, the anticipation :D

The Flow command keeps getting better and better lol
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.146 In reply to 4363.145 
I am anticipating the introduction of the flow command to be followed by a multitude of requests to control "How it flows and morphs!!" :o
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.147 In reply to 4363.146 
Hi Burr, well the base and target surfaces are what controls it.

It's kind of like texture mapping - objects are mapped from the UV space of the base surface into the UV space of the target surface.

If the target surface has areas where the UV space is compressed or expanded then the shapes will compress or expand in those areas as well.

If you need to have a whole lot of control over it, it may be that you would want to more directly model the output shape rather than using the Flow tool to morph it. But if your target surface is pretty well behaved (like if it doesn't pinch or expand irregularly) then the Flow command should be pretty convenient to use.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.148 In reply to 4363.147 
I'll wonder about "Make a texture map in poly modeler, then use ZSurf to make a NURBS surface of it, then map the ZSurf surface to object.... Whalla!!! Texture mapping in MoI!!! lol
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.149 In reply to 4363.148 
A visit to the aquarium today confirms it.... MoI on the brain!!!!

It's close.... Very close.......:o

(Note the scientific name.... Could it be any more ironic???)

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.150 In reply to 4363.148 
Hi Burr, that process could actually work!

But you could also generate some insanely complex surfaces from it that may bog things down too much.

The surface that ZSurf generates is already pretty heavy itself - if you then try to morph a really pretty heavy surface onto something else, the morphed surface will generally get more complex yet as it will be trying to reconstruct the surface and fitting it to the deformation.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.151 In reply to 4363.149 
Cool another kind of moi! :)

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.152 In reply to 4363.150 
Surely as you've stated, it would just be better done in a poly app... (But be sure I'll be trying it! hahahaaaa.)
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 From:  Denis (DENISJAGUAR)
4363.153 In reply to 4363.149 
Wow very cool.

You know in french, Moi mean me.


| CorelDraw Grahics Suite X5 | Daz Carrara Pro 8 | Moi 3D V2 |

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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4363.154 In reply to 4363.152 
Hi BurrMan,

maybe you could "morphed" your texture inside ZSurf before getting it in Moi. If I`m not mistaking ZSurf can do that already.

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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4363.155 In reply to 4363.154 
Hi Michael,

is there a kind of feature list of the new command or function you`ll have in V3? (Special interest for somekind of variale fillet and or chamfer command)

By the way, this FLOW thing will be a great addition to Moi.

Keep up the GREAT work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.156 In reply to 4363.155 
Hi Felix,

> is there a kind of feature list of the new command or function
> you`ll have in V3? (Special interest for somekind of variale fillet
> and or chamfer command)

I don't have a 100% "laid in stone" plan for V3, so there is not anything like specific list of features that will for sure be in there.

I will be trying to get a lot of the stuff that's been requested though, you can see this previous thread for some of the most popular requests:

What actually gets developed depends on a lot of things, like how much work is required, how many people are requesting it, and whether or not a good UI design comes to mind easily or whether it would take a long time to do a good UI design. Some of these things are adaptable, like if a lot of people are running into a problem in one area then something to help with that will grow in priority.

I can tell you that variable radius fillet has been requested quite a lot so I do expect to work on that.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.157 In reply to 4363.153 
""""""You know in french, Moi mean me.""""""""

Yes I've heard that.. They pronounce it "Muwha"..

Michael pronounces it "Mow-eye" like the Rapa Nui Statues..

I say "Moy" because thats how we would say it here.. It also means "sleep" over here...

It's pretty cool how it can fit us all!
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
4363.158 In reply to 4363.156 
Hi Michael,

"to do a good UI design" do you mean the MOI UI or the UI for a specific command?

I thought you where done with the new Moi UI or almost...

It seems you went through the requested features and possibly made up some sort of "ordered" list for yourself. I understand you need to study the feasability of those requests but without saying which you intend to give attention or not, is it possible to just have a simple list of all the request that where made. As it is, we have to go through hundreds of messages to figure out what those request are.

This is just a suggestion and maybe someone would volunteer to do it. Say we have a new thread with such a list (maybe with somekind of vote count next to the request) as the first (editable) post. Then every one could just reply with the "votes" and or make a new request. The maintainer of the request list would only have to update the first post with the new vote count and new request if any. I believe something like this could be useful to you and much simpler for us to follow and be up to date without having to go through hundreds of post.

Thanks again,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.159 In reply to 4363.158 
Hi Felix,

> "to do a good UI design" do you mean the MOI UI
> or the UI for a specific command?

I mean the UI for that particular feature - many kinds of features require new UI to be implemented for them, and one big issue is that I want to keep the existing UI to be nice and streamlined and not end up getting a bloated feel by for example throwing in 50 new icons stuck at the top of the window or stuff like that... ;)

So basically any new features that require a lot of UI to control them become quite time consuming to design that UI so that it would fit in well with the existing stuff in MoI.

> It seems you went through the requested features and
> possibly made up some sort of "ordered" list for yourself.

Sort of, but that "ordering" is pretty vague and subject to change just depending on new information and new ideas.

So I don't really want to codify it like you're kind of asking about because then it would appear to people that there was some kind of definite plan for it all when that's not really the case.

> Say we have a new thread with such a list (maybe with
> somekind of vote count next to the request) as the first (editable) post.

There is something kind of like that already with the wishlist on the wiki here:

> I believe something like this could be useful to you
> and much simpler for us to follow and be up to date
> without having to go through hundreds of post.

The 100s of posts are actually much more valuable feedback for me because they are much more organic and can contain little details here and there that may spark a good idea.

As it becomes more structured and organized and "sterilized" like you're asking about some kinds of things are a bit lost in that process.

So there's a few reasons that I prefer the more direct individual feedback rather than just a "yes" or "no" vote type system.

For any one particular person, the most important thing you can do is to just provide your top 5 features that are important to you in that thread - don't worry so much about what everyone else is asking for or what is in those 100s of other messages - if you just post what you are interested in yourself that is the best information that you can give from my standpoint...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
All right - I seem to have the underlying mechanics all sorted out for Flow now.

Still have to hook up the UI and options and stuff like that. Maybe 1st v3 beta sometime tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage

(that's my face)
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