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 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok - got sidetracked for the past couple of days tracking down an offset bug in the updated geometry library. Now that's fixed and I'm back tuning up the new Flow command. Once that is a bit more finished up it will be time for the v3 beta. Flow will need some more tuning after the first v3 beta to improve surface quality - in the first release when morphing solids with curved pieces it can tend to make kind of lumpy results. But morphing curves works well and also morphing planar surfaces work well so for text right now morphing text that is just a flat planar surface (using the "Create:Surfaces" option in the Text command) and then shelling it to thicken it into a solid once it is in place will work better than morphing solid text directly, at least for now.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.105 In reply to 4363.104 
Is it wierd that I got nervous??? :o

Good luck Michael!
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 From:  Rudl
4363.106 In reply to 4363.105 
Will you make a special forum for V3 Betatesting or is it in the general forum?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.107 In reply to 4363.106 
Hi Rudl - beta stuff will just go here in the regular forum.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
All this stuff is just great!! Groups for the scene browser is still on the list doesnt it??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.109 In reply to 4363.108 
Hi Ed, yup groups is still planned for v3. It won't be in this very first v3 beta but I'll probably be working on it in not too long.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Oh good, I love groups ^^

Will be fun to play around with Flow!

Burr - no, it's not weird - MoI is a big part of our lives :D
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
4363.112 In reply to 4363.110 
> Burr - no, it's not weird - MoI is a big part of our lives :D

That starting to make me worry... could repeated MoI use be considered an addiction?
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 From:  BurrMan
4363.113 In reply to 4363.112 
It may leave the Dorsal and Ventral Stream underworked, but The Lateral Occipital Complex and it's Semantic Processing while using MoI will never invoke Visual Agnosias and may actually enhance it's absence.... FYI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Still working on the new Flow command - I think I've got a good way to tweak things to get some better quality in the deformed results, they were kind of bumpy.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
4363.115 In reply to 4363.114 
Hi Michael, still working on 2D or 3D flow ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.116 In reply to 4363.115 
Hi Anis - currently working on the surface-to-surface flow.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
4363.117 In reply to 4363.116 
Hi Michael...

Is that possible in the future flow command work for solid or stl ( mesh ) on to surface ?
Below for example :

Nice to see some new good stuff coming to MoI V3 :)

Thank you...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.118 In reply to 4363.117 
Hi Anis - MoI does not have any method to import STL files - STL files do not contain NURBS data inside of them, they only contain a bunch of little triangle facets.

You would need to use a polygon modeling program to edit that kind of data, not MoI since MoI is instead focused on editing NURBS data.

The kind of design that you're showing there is not really well suited for NURBS modeling, particularly things like the scorpion relief design on the side - the scorpion itself would be better suited to be done in a polygon modeling program, let alone applying it to a surface.

I'd recommend trying one of the brush-based deformation programs like ZBrush or 3D Coat for doing that kind of project that you're showing there. You can do the base ring design in MoI but then bring it into ZBrush or 3D coat to apply the relief designs.

I don't expect that it will be easy to fully create that particular kind of design in MoI - it's not suited for something with that kind of "high frequency" details that have a lot of little bumps and ridges in them and are not very well defined by profile curves. On the other hand the displacement systems in ZBrush or 3D coat are well suited for that kind of project so they are much better tool for that particular kind of project. They have a kind of stenciling method that will allow you to take a bitmap image and kind of stamp it into your model making raised areas.

Different kinds of 3D modeling methods can tend to be better for certain kinds of projects - that kind of project you show there is better finished in a displacement type program and not in MoI - I don't expect for that to change in V3.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
4363.119 In reply to 4363.112 
> That starting to make me worry... could repeated MoI use be considered an addiction?
For you Mike, you're already addicted (how many tutorials have you made so far? LOL) :)
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 From:  Anis
4363.120 In reply to 4363.118 
Hi Michael,

Sorry if my question not clear enough.
a. Is that possible make flow command "wrap" 3D solid nurbs on to 3D nurbs surface ? Of course the 3D solid nurbs here not the scorpion one. For example a 3D solid text.

b. Regarding the scorpion, yes I know to create them we need another polygon software. The scenario is just import the scorpion mesh data in to MoI ( not create ) then use flow command to wrap on to 3D nurbs surface inside MoI.

thank you...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4363.121 In reply to 4363.120 
Hi Anis, yes I do expect that you will be able to use the Flow command to wrap 3D solid text from a base plane onto a target surface, at least if I can solve some of the remaining issues with surface quality.

> The scenario is just import the scorpion mesh data in
> to MoI ( not create ) then use flow command to wrap
> on to 3D nurbs surface inside MoI.

No, I do not expect for this part to work - as I wrote previously STL mesh data is a different kind of data than NURBS data.

MoI is designed as a NURBS editor, not as an editor for polygon data. So because of this it does not have any functions in it to load and modify polygon data - loading and editing polygon data is something that you should look for in a polygon modeling program, not in a NURBS-focused program like MoI.

You can use Rhino to do that particular kind of editing though - Rhino is kind of a combination NURBS and kind of limited polygon editing program, but it does allow for doing a Flow command on polygon data. If that's what you need then you should get Rhino to do that function - I don't expect for MoI to load and edit STL polygon data in MoI v3.

Just in general MoI is not focused on working directly on polygon data - it can generate polygon data for export to rendering programs though.

For modeling using polygon data (either "creating" the polygon data in the first place, or editing it - it's basically the same thing - using modeling functions to work with polygon data) you will need to use a different program than MoI for that.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Anis, would it be possible for you to create the ring in MoI, and create the scorpion in a polygon modelling software package, and then apply the scorpion as a displacement map onto the surface of the ring in your polygon software?
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 From:  Anis
4363.123 In reply to 4363.122 
Hi Michael...

Thanks for your detail for your current plan. MoI with its own flow command is already a good modeling choice :).

Hi NightCabbage,

I just found the ring picture on the web, so I dont know how to map the scorpion. But as far I know, delcam powershape can map a mesh on to surface.

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