Hi Burr, well I'm working on new v3 features right now and once I've got a few of them done then I'll release the first beta. So it's coming soon but it's hard to say exactly what day.
Currently I'm working on some new scene browser stuff, I just finished adding in a new selection indicator, which will also be the place to click to select stuff:
That's the new yellow dot on the right-hand side of the scene browser item there - that will now show the selection state of all the items of that slot. If all the items belonging to that slot are selected it will show a yellow dot, if none are selected it will be blank there and if there is a mix of some selected and some not it shows a half dot.
You also click on that to toggle selection on or off.
The next thing up is a selection filter - I had an idea to use Ctrl+click on the selection indicator to mark an item as a filter. Once something is marked as a filter you'll only be able to select items of that type, so for example if you set Style = Red as a filter then when you go and click to select curves it would only select curves that have style = red. I'm also planning on making it limit what is targeted for selection with the mouse as well.
At the moment I'm working on the icon to show there to indicate that an item is a selection filter.
- Michael