Sweep Bug?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
430.7 In reply to 430.6 
Hi Richard, I'm glad that solved your problem!

Right now there is a bug where if you get one individual surface with too dense of a display mesh on it, MoI will crash to desktop like that. That's why a half-circle one worked, because it was smaller it had less polygons in the display mesh and didn't go over the limit.

I've made a slight tune up for the next beta to make it less likely to run into this limit, and I'll do a more proper fix for it in the next beta after that.

- Michael
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 From:  kostache
430.8 In reply to 430.7 

Hello Michael,

I got nearly the same bug with Moi 2.0 trial. After the several manipulations with the tools (any kind) Moi screen disappears and I see the desktop without any error messages. It's also interesting, that's if some window (like options, for example) are opened and MoI going to crash this window is still stay on until you close it with yourself! I've checked my meshing presets in options tab (now it's only a "mesh angle" parameter available) - it's set to 10. Also, Ican still find a moi.exe and moi_commandprocessor.exe into a task manager after crashig. What should I do?

Thanks in advance,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
430.9 In reply to 430.8 
Hi Konstantin, well the problem that was described in this thread was due to MoI running out of memory when trying to create a dense display mesh.

From what you are describing, it doesn't quite sound like the same cause, unless does your machine happen to have a particularly small amount of system RAM on it?

You might try updating your video card drivers to the latest version available from the video card vendor's web site. Bugs in video drivers can tend to cause some weird problems.

Also, are you possibly running some kind of anti-virus or anti-spyware type security systems on your machine? Do you get any different behavior when you disable them?

Also if you have any other kind of software that hooks into the system at a low level like that (like to make custom window appearances or things like that), try disabling it and see if that makes any difference.

I'd definitely recommend updating the video driver first though and see if that makes an improvement.

- Michael
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 From:  kostache
430.10 In reply to 430.9 

Hello Michael,

I've updated my nv quadro FX4600 drivers to last the one right before making of first post - seems to me it's not a problem. I've got a winxp x64 with 32 gb of memory - hopefully it's also will be enough. I've tried to install Moi on my mobile workstation (winxp 32 4gb mem quadro fx 1500 mobile) - and got a same problem! And only one system program, that's installed on both of systems is kaspersky! Maybe, I should put it in "white list" for antivirus.?


No, "white list" is not a solution! I got same problem after attaching of MoI in the "whit list" for kaspersky!

EDITED: 12 Nov 2010 by KOSTACHE

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 From:  Anis
430.11 In reply to 430.8 
Hi Konstantin,

As long as I use MoI, I never face those problem.
Try to use different username when login to Windows.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
430.12 In reply to 430.10 
Hi Konstantin, well you certainly have plenty of memory available, so that's not the problem.

I don't really know what is going on, but I can tell you that is an unusual problem.

Could you try the alternate trial version from here:
and see if that works better or if it has the same problem?

The regular 30-day trial has this anti-hacking layer around it, and that is fairly complex, it could be part of the problem, the alternate trial version does not have that.

Also you might try disabling Kaspersky completely temporarily and then try running MoI, instead of just putting MoI on its whitelist. That's a little suspicious that is installed on both your systems and you're having the same problem on each.

- Michael
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