Any ideas on how to model something like this??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4299.3 In reply to 4299.1 
So something along these lines:

A few shapes to build the upper body part with a Loft:

Then in the side view, one ellipse profile and a path, to make the handle with a sweep:

So now you've got 2 solid pieces that are pushing through each other like this:

Select them and run Construct > Boolean > Union to fuse them together into a single solid. That will create an edge where they intersected each other, select it here:

Then you can run Fillet to round off that edge:

Then it looks like you'd want to do some kind of a sweep to build a curved cutting surface to kind of scallop out the sides, check out the scalloping step in this desert eagle example for something similar:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4299.4 In reply to 4299.1 
Probably after you cut some the scalloped side parts out you'd hack off the back of it to get the kind of profile you want like this: (here doing a boolean with just a line as the cutting object):

Then everything would get filleted at a smaller radius than what was used for the handle/body one to round off the sharp edges.

Hope this gives you some ideas!

- Michael

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 From:  benzene
oh wow thanks for the nice reply, yes that might be a good way to start the base of the model, will try and post my progress
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