Simlab composer 2.3
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4289.10 In reply to 4289.7 
OK the news ! ;)
The user has two options:

A- Uninstall SimLab Composer 2.3 and install the new version with French translation, this should not overwrite existing files.


B- Copy this file French_translation.qm
to C:\Users\”user name”\AppData\Roaming\SimLab\data\languages, next time SimLab Composer will detect the new language and the user can switch the interface langugage.

Je pencherais pour la 2ème solution, comme cela aucun risque! ;)

Ou alors la première mais en doublant les fichiers de travail résultants se trouvant dans les arborescences, à un autre endroit, au cas où! :)

EDITED: 22 May 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  grandpi (PIERREARCHI)
4289.11 In reply to 4289.10 
impeccable !!!.
Merci Pilou.
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