Restricting direction of point movement

 From:  davidb45
Is there a way to restrict moving a point on a line to one dimension? For example, in a front view I want to drop a point straight down the Z axis without wandering around slightly on the X axis. I tried draggng the point while holding down the Ctl key or the Shift key but that has no effect.

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 From:  BurrMan
4265.2 In reply to 4265.1 
Hi Davidb45,
There is a snap called "straight snap" that should be kicking in for this.. Do you possibly have straight snap unchecked under the snap options?? The other thing is you mention moving it on a "line"? Perhaps the line is not planar in X? Other ways would be to launch the Move command and drag out a construction line before you start to move the point.

If you need any help with what I just mentioned, just say and some more detail can be added.
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 From:  davidb45
4265.3 In reply to 4265.2 
This helps. Thanks for the info.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4265.4 In reply to 4265.1 
Hi David, yeah MoI does not use shift or ctrl for that kind of a constraint - instead it is handled by Straight Snap being enabled or not in the bottom toolbar.

When it is enabled, you just move your mouse nearby to one of the axis directions and it will snap on to that direction when you get close enough. When it does snap you will see a marker point at the base of the line saying what axis direction is snapped on to (like x, y, z, or "normal" for a surface normal if you have placed the first point snapped on to a surface), and also an extended dotted line will show up also.

In general MoI is set up so that you don't have to be hitting modifier keys like shift or ctrl all the time.

- Michael
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